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Fun Facts Friday - Cocker Spaniels

We'll just say that this sweet boy helped me write this post.

Today we will be spending the majority of our day waiting around for Heath (planning to spend the time at Mount Nebo to do some hiking with Maddie - will let you know how that one goes over).

Heath is having eye surgery to hopefully correct his cataracts, which have gotten significantly worse over the past 6 months. I know I don't talk about my crazy furbabies often enough. So, I thought today I'd share a bit about them for my Fun Facts Friday.

I've had 4 Cocker Spaniels.

My 1st Cocker Spaniel was Abagail or Abby or Abby Loo Loo.
  • She was given to me by an ex at the age of 14. 
  • She actually also had cataracts that she started developing at the young age of 2. 
  • We had them fixed, but one eye had to be removed. They did replace it with a prosthetic and you could not tell the difference. 
  • I had her for 14 years and I still dream about her. She went through thick and thin with me.
My 2nd Cocker Spaniel was named Erin.
  • She was a rescue that Jason and I adopted. 
  • We never knew her real age. She was an owners surrender and rescued from the pound (only had 24 hours to live) on St. Patrick's day - hence the name Erin for Erin Go Bragh. 
  • We only had her for 5 years before having to let her go. She was either 10 or 13 years old. 
  • She had kidney failure, and we spent the last 6 months doing daily IVs at home. 
Our 3rd Cocker Spaniel was another rescue from a bread specific group in Dallas, TX.
  • She was about 4 months old when we got her.. 
  • Her originally name was Muffin; I changed it to Madeline/ Maddie immediately. 
  • The day we met her (drove to Dallas) she was playing by herself tossing a ping pong ball. We should have known right then and there she was special. 
  • She's a total spaz. You have to see it in person to completely understand. Trust me.
That gets us to our 4th Cocker Spaniel - Heath.
  • We adopted him from a bread specific organization out of Oklahoma. 
  • Yep, drove to Oklahoma to meet him. 
  • He was 10 months old and a total doll baby from the beginning. 
  • He loves to give hugs, I mean real, full on hugs. He's just a love bug and a big goof.
Do you tend to stick to a specific bread? What about rescues?

I am a firm believer in rescuing. You might not know their history, you might have to deal with kidney failure, cataracts, or other ailments. But the love you receive in return is so worth it in my opinion.

So, this post is dedicated to all the rescues and all those waiting to be rescued.


  1. I love this post heather! When you talked about Abby and still dreaming about her I thought of my rottie , shatzie. I still dream about him for sure :) hope Heath has successful surgery today! I'll be thinking of him.


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