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Leaving the Beach & 8's

Leaving the Beach
Our last night at the beach was spent in the company of amazing friends (and hosts). Our friends that have a house on the intracoastal waters (mentioned in previous post) have been talking about a place called Joe Patti's Seafood for ages. So, the plan for Friday afternoon was to head over to their house then head over to Joe Patti's.

Of course, the seafood part wasn't exactly appealing to me, but that's ok. I was along for the experience. The smell was really over-powering for me. But, they had several different areas other than just the fish market.

So I milled around checking out a variety of sauces, salsas, condiments and more. Some made there, some made in the area, others were known brands. But I love sauces and condiments, spreads and salads. So it was fun for me looking through, getting recipe ideas.

Joe Patti's also has a really nice wine store. They definitely carried many wines that we can't get at home. Jason picked out a really nice white wine to go with dinner, Jason and D picked out the fish, and then we headed back to their house.

D had to walk their neighbor's dog, and it was wine-thirty. So we had a glass of wine, then headed to the local grocery store (a really nice Publix) to pick up just a few more things for dinner.

A is an amazing cook. But, he was of course making a fish dinner for everyone. I didn't mind at all though. Truly I didn't. I picked up a few things to make a salad of my own. For me, it was about just enjoying good food, good wine, good views, and even better company. I really did mean to take pictures, but was caught up in enjoying the moment instead. And you know what...that's how it should be.

Saturday was uneventful. We woke up early, finished packing. We ate our breakfast on the balcony one last time. After loading up the car, we took one last stroll on the beach as well. The water was simply perfect, making it even sadder to leave of course.

It was a long day spent on the road. It took about 9 hours total with 2 potty breaks and a stop for lunch. We were pretty worn out from the drive and of course still had to unload and unpack. While it was good to be home, it was also a little bittersweet of course. We already miss the beach.

All About 8
This morning I woke up at little after 7. After checking the weather (already 74 degrees), I knew I needed to get my butt in gear if I wanted to get in a run. My plan was to do 8 miles.

I started my run right at 8 and it was already 80 degrees (clearly 8 is the theme here). The first part of the run provided some scattered shade and a breeze. Mile 2...sun and only sun. Mile 3 was nice though. That's almost all shaded. Mile 4 not so much shaded, but I did stop at 4.6 miles into the run to refill my water, take a quick potty break and take my GU. It gave me a minute to cool down as well, which was nice.

I got back to the run and realized my shade was starting to disappear. For the last 2 miles it was nothing but sun beating down as the sun had shifted and the once-shaded spots were no longer shaded. I will say that I was very thankful that we had a slightly lower humidity than in Florida. That helped somewhat. But it was still hot. And I felt like I was becoming one with the asphalt.

Not the easiest 8 miles, but not all bad either. It does make you feel a little tough when you finish a really hot run.

I think the best way to reward yourself for a super hot, long-ish run is pool time. I would say beach time, but that's not exactly an option. However, pool time is.

So, not really a big Memorial Day party or anything, but having our friends come over for some pool lounging time.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Pool time
Time with friends


  1. Post beach/vaca withdrawals stink! At least you have the holiday to get back into home mode. I like the 8 theme!


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