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NuNaturals Winners & Fun Facts Friday

NuNatural Giveaway Winners
Thank you to everyone who entered my NuNaturals Stevia Giveaway! Winners were selected using random number generator. Please email me your full name, address, and email address

Fun Facts Friday
I joke that I'm sort of the boy scout of my friends. If you need something, I most likely have it stashed in my gigantic purse. Food? No problem. Advil, Excedrin, Imitrix? Check all three.
I thought it might be fun just to do a run down of what I deem as essential in my purse. And those who've made fun of me but then needed something...well, they don't laugh anymore ;-)
  • Chapstick
  • Protein or power bars of some sort - usually at least 2
  • At least 5 different colors lipstick or lip gloss
  • Tissues
  • Lotion
  • Pain meds - got a headache? I got you covered
  • Lactade pills
  • Point and shoot camera - I am a blogger after all
  • Sunglasses
  • Pen
  • Coupons
  • Cell phone
  • Wallet 
  • Keys
  • Gum - usually 2 packs
  • A purse hanger - hate to put my purse on the floor
  • Hair spray
  • Contact solution 
  • Fingernail file
  • Tampon 
So, is your purse jam packed? Can you stop starvation, end a headache, and cure chapped lips?

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Rest day
  • Lunch with friend
  • Baseball game with friends


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