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Weekend Recap - Running and Enjoying

Yesterday's long run didn't quite happen, but I still got in a really good 4.5 mile run with Jason. It was pouring rain when we got up. We had plans to go to our hometown to visit our moms, so I really needed to get my long run started by 9 am.

At 9:30 it was still raining though. So, we went with Plan B - short run. When we headed out it was still sprinkling a little bit, dreary looking, 63 degrees, and full on humidity. Yes, you can sweat buckets in the rain. I found that one out.

There was definitely a time when I never would have happily agreed to set out for a run in those conditions. Clearly times have changed.

After the run, we got cleaned up then headed out the door. I met my mom at Cafe 1217 for lunch. I absolutely love that place and sure wish we had one here.
They always have such unique dishes. For example, I got the sample salad plate where you can choose 3-4 items. I got green beans with almonds and cranberries, wild rice (loaded with veggies) and an ancho quinoa salad. One word: YUM.

Mom and I did some shopping after lunch. She needed to find a dress for an upcoming event. We hit up TJ Maxx first and had success right away. We found her a great dress. She also found some cute wedges she loved. I got a purse and a few other goodies.

Luckily there are several stores in the shopping complex where we were. We also hit up the bookstore (needed books for upcoming trip), Home Goods, and Shoe Carnival (where we scored 7 and 8 dollar shoes).
After successful shopping, we stopped at a new Mexican restaurant closer to her house for a drink. That's where Jason met up with us so he could pick me up and head home. We were pretty lazy the rest of the evening. We played cards and listened to music forgoing computers and TV for the evening.

All in all - a fantastic day.

Today the plan was to get in 10 miles while Jason rode his bike. I was very ambivalent about the run to be honest. It's not that I was totally against it, but not fully into it either. But, I know myself. I knew once I got going I'd change my tune.

I ended up going slightly backwards from my normal route. I realized that there were some hills I didn't know existed. It's funny how doing the same route, but backwards gives you a totally different perspective.

I'm not sure why, but my breathing was super labored. Yesterday I understood because of the humidity. Today, the humidity was fairly low, but it felt like someone sitting on my chest. I also struggled with keeping my speed under control. I kept speeding up randomly. So I kept having to check myself. But then when I tried to slow my roll, I felt like I was trudging along.

At one point (about 3.5 miles in for me) I saw Jason approaching on his bike and remember thinking, "Damn, he's kinda hot." Nothing like seeing your hubby working out ;-)

I stopped at 6.67 into the run for a potty and GU break and to refill my water. I tried to psych myself up with the whole, "It's only a little over 3 miles left." The key word being "only." I wasn't hating the run at all mind you, but at that point if I had been near my car, I would have likely just said, "I'm good." I don't know how to explain it, because it didn't suck. I was enjoying it for the most part. But....

I hit 8 miles and then saw Jason running towards me. I was confused because I had no idea he was going to run at all. I thought we would just meet back at the car in an hour and a half. But he had decided to do a brick workout apparently.

So, I did have company for the last 2 miles of the run. We didn't talk though. I was getting tired and ready to be done, so we just ran side-by-side. I did manage to dig in and sprint out the last half mile though and finished strong with a final lap time of 9:12. Not too shabby by mile 10. My overall average was actually 9:16 (too fast to be honest).

After the run I spent a lot of time stretching and rolling then parked my butt on the lounge chair on the patio while Jason went to the grocery store. Then it was a late lunch before heading over to our friends' house. They're going to doggy sit one night, so we wanted to take Heath over there so he could get familiar with the house, the layout, all that jazz.

So, the rest of the evening? Lots of nothing. And I think that's exactly how a Sunday evening should be.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Time with friends


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