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Kicking, Lifting & Enjoying The Moments

Kicking & Lifting
This morning I decided to go ahead and get up when Jason did (just after 5) to do some cross-training rather than running. He went off to swim and I did some kickboxing in my little gym room.

I went with Cathe Friedrich's MMA Kickboxing. I use 1 lb weighted gloves for my boxing or kickboxing workouts. It really adds on additional intensity and makes for an awesome upper body and core workout.
I gotta say, starting the day punching and kicking leaves you stress-free ;-) It was a good workout. At first I was sort of thinking I should have stayed in bed, not that I was sleeping mind you. But, I'm glad I got it done. It was definitely energizing.

At lunch, I decided to run home and do my back and triceps workout rather than go up to my gym. Right now it is not staffed (it's closing July 1), there are no towels, nothing to spray to wipe down equipment, who knows when anything was cleaned last. It's just depressing and not motivating.

So, home it was with my own music and a fan. Since I didn't have the assisted pullup option or a barbell, I had to go back to old school basics with my dumbbells. I did giant sets of 3x8 and then did abs at the end.

Underhand dumbbell rows
Single-arm rows

Double-arm overhead triceps extension
Lying triceps extensions
Double-arm kickbacks

I did add in 3 sets of 10 reps of low back extension on my stability ball. And despite not having a barbell or a way to do pullups, I actually felt like I worked my back a lot better today than I've been doing. Maybe just the slight change in using the dumbbells.

Changing up the Week Day
After work today I headed over to my favorite running store, GO!, to pick up some new shoes. I usually try to keep two pairs that I rotate  out. The oldest pair is pretty much done. I tried running in them on Monday and realized that they were toast.

So, time to get a new pair. I'll wear the new ones for long runs now and the older for shorter runs. This seems to work out pretty well for me, extending the life just a little bit longer I think.

After the running store, I got groceries. I went to the Kroger right by the running store because I've gotten pretty fed up with the parking situation at the one nearer to my house. This particular store, however, doesn't carry a lot of the vegetarian/vegan items I like so that means a trip to Whole Foods down the road.

Last Thursday I blogged about trying to enjoy the moment rather than wishing it away for better days, or for the weekend. So while every day can't be the weekend, it doesn't mean that the weekday should be blah and boring right?

Source: via Heather on Pinterest

Rather than do the same old thing, go home, make dinner, sit on the couch and blog a bit, maybe catch up on a show, read, go to sleep. I thought we would make the evening more special. Not a full on date or anything, but something outside the day-to-day rut.

I don't know exactly what we'll do yet. Maybe a glass of wine at a wine bar or just cook dinner together and enjoy at the dining table, no tv. One thing I will be doing is disconnecting though. Living in the moment.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Good weight workout
Running shoes
Something new


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