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Running & Fun Facts Friday - Pinterest

Friday Long Run
This morning I didn't have to set the alarm clock nearly as early as the previous Fridays. The reason was because we had decided to do the long run around the neighborhood rather than drive to the river (15 mins each way). This saved us 30 minutes easily. Of course, we still woke up just after 5, but we didn't have to rush, which was nice. 

 I will admit that making multiple changes for a long run isn't always smart. But, sometimes you're lucky. Like today, not only changing up the route in a major way, but trying out new running shorts. I'm cheap. I don't like to spend 40 bucks on running shorts even though I know it's worth it, I use them (a lot), and it makes a huge difference when you buy high-quality running gear.

 I have a few pair of Nike shorts, but only 1 worth wearing for longer runs and 1 pair of Brooks that I love but not for 9-10 milers because of potential chaffing. Anyway, 2 pairs of shorts that I keep washing daily means they're falling apart fast. 

I finally broke down and searched around for new shorts. Jason has several shorts and tops by Saucony, so I check out their site on Monday.  I found a pair of shorts, Saucony Run Lux Short II (on sale for 12 bucks even) and ordered them. 

They got here Thursday, just in time for today. And you know what? Love love love them. So much so I'm ordering 2 more pair! They are super light weight and have a nice size back zip pocket. No need to worry about keys falling out or how to carry your ID with you.
Anyway, the route part definitely made a difference in the run though. We started off on our normal route putting us back by the house at 2 miles. Jason had to run in for a break so I ran around a few blocks (.4 miles) and then back to the house. Then we were off again heading towards the park we run through then towards the river.  

The route took us by the Clinton Presidential Library then over to the Heifer International building, then down right along the river. Definitely a nice change of scenery. We ended up at the RiverMarket at mile 5.5 for me. I was hoping for a water fountain to take my gel - went with Accelerade Accel Gel  because it has protein along with the electrolytes which I sometimes prefer especially if I am not able to have a full breakfast before the run.  

Anyway, I did have enough water for that, but felt like I was needing to conserve it. And when it's 80+ degrees out and humid, you need to take in the water and not save it. So, that's the one downfall of a new route for a long run. Note to self: find the water fountains.  

The last part of the run started taking it's toll on me as it was mostly heading back up slow, long inclines. I will admit that I'm usually lazy with my long runs and take the flatter routes. Well, it became quite apparent today that I need to change that. 

At mile 7.5 for me, Jason took a different, shorter route so that he would hit 8, which was probably pushing too far actually as he's typically been doing 6. So the last bit was solo. Which was good. I needed to concentrate.

The last part of the run was definitely tough. My legs were getting heavy, it was hot, and I started to dig deep. In fact, I actually started thinking about this saying to get me through:

So, not easy, definitely worked hard for my 9.5 miles, but I got them done and felt really accomplished. 

Fun Facts Friday - Pinterest 
Raise your hand if you're on Pinterest!! Ok, all hand raised right ;-) And seeing as how I just used a pin above, I think this Fun Facts Friday edition is very appropriate.

While it can be a major time suck, I do think you can find so many great ideas, inspiration, motivation, and information on Pinterest.

And it changes constantly. I definitely do a lot of pinning. I'm a bit obsessed with home decor ideas. And it's becoming quite the norm to see bloggers using inspirational pins on their blogs daily.

So, I thought it would be fun to share the things I've learned from Pinterest (or results from too much Pinterest):
  • I need pallets - I can make anything with them.
  • I need old doors too.
  • I could never drink enough wine in my lifetime for all the cork projects. 
  • I want a white kitchen, oh no, green, wait, red, oh no, yellow…too many choices.
  • I think I could build a house from the ground up.
  • I know that I can make the most beautiful curtains with only a sheet and glue.
  • People love food.
  • I'm a fashionista in hiding.
  • I have a strong urge to shop constantly.
  • I should be able to make all my own clothes with just old t-shirts.
  • Glue is awesome.
  • I need to find more old furniture to refinish.
  • I should go dumpster diving or never throw out anything because clearly I can repurpose everything.
  • Wine bottles really do work for watering potted plants - but Jason pointed out when they're in every pot, they look a little less classy.
  • You can write entire blog posts around Pinterest. 
So, Pinterest...share your thoughts. Do you find it really useful? Have you followed through with any projects you pinned? What have you learned?

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Morning run with hubby
Watching the sun rise
The fact that it's Friday


  1. Checking out those shorts now. Love a great deal on good stuff!

    Pinterest - total time suck but so cool. Like you said, I feel like I could do anything now.

    Nice run!


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