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Running Streak & Fun Facts Friday

Rest Days Are So Important
Today is my much-needed rest day. Definitely enjoying the break from workouts both physically and mentally.

However, I won't lie, a run was every so slightly tempting because we had a cold front move through. Temps have gone from 90's at the beginning of the week to a high of 75 today! But, I'll save the run for tomorrow instead.

This sort of brings me to a post that I really agree strongly with. My friend Jess at EatDrinkBreatheSweat wrote a great post yesterday called (run)Streaking. Basically, it addresses everyone jumping on the run streak bandwagon - the latest is actually being encouraged by Runner's World.

I have been down the path of over-training syndrome. I don't just mean working out too hard and over-use injuries. I mean flat out over-training to the point of depression, utter fatigue, but still pushing harder. Never resting. It was a very vicious mental cycle I had to over come.

 I vowed never ever to do that again. I cherish my rest days. I know the importance of varying your workouts in terms of intensity as well. But a running streak? It calls for running every day. Even on your rest day? So some will say, "ok 'only' a mile on rest days."

That doesn't sound too bad does it? But like Jess points out, running is so demanding (physically and mentally). For lifters - can you imagine lifting every single day? And I don't mean splits, think full-body every day.

Anyway, I am not meaning to take away from Jessica's post. Please go check it out. I know she'd love to hear your thoughts!

Fun Facts Friday - One Lovely Blog
I had a few ideas I was kicking around for Fun Facts Friday, and then I received a blogger award. This always makes Fun Facts Friday easier of course!

I was nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by the super cute Kierston at Candy Fit. If you haven't checked out her blog, you really should.
So here's what I gotta to:
  • Post the award logo and picture on my blog and link back the person who nominated you.  
  • Tell seven things about yourself.  
  • Nominate up to 15 additional bloggers who you think deserve the award.
  • Post a comment on the blog of each nominee to tell them they have been nominated! 
 Ready? Let's go!
  1. I am not a morning person, but I do go into work by 7 am. Just don't talk to me for a while.
  2. I'm getting my second ever manicure tomorrow. 
  3. I adore chips and have to simply not buy them or I'd eat the whole bag.
  4. Cougar Town is one of my fave shows - I think it's b/c they love their wine.
  5. I think I should be a personal shopper. Paid to shop? Um yes please.
  6. Sometimes I can be really pessimistic and I have to check myself on that bad habit.
  7. I absolutely hate tailgaters (as in people who ride your bumper). Back the eff off.
Even though I'm only nominating a few bloggers, I would love to hear at least one random thing about you OR tell me a blogger who deserves this award!

So, it's never easy to narrow down who to give an award to. I really think all of you deserve it. And while I want to give the award to all my blogger BFFs, I also want to share other blogs that I might not mention as often. So, here are just a few blogs that I think you should be reading ;-)

Cory at Learning Patience
Lisa at Thrive Style
Krissie at A Philly Nerd Girl
Anna at On Anna's Plate
Paige at Running Around Normal

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Cooler temps
Rest day


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