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Another Morning Run & Veggie Tempeh Stack

Running & Lifting 
I don't know if it was the heat or what, I but I slept terribly last night. I just tossed and turned all night. And of course I wake up at 4:30 and then finally doze off fairly soundly to be rudely woken up by Jason's alarm for his morning master's swim class.

My alarm was set for about 5 minutes later, because I had planned on getting up to go for a 3.5-4 mile run. I almost always wake up when he gets up anyway. This morning I came incredibly close to saying forget the run, sleep is more important. Of course, I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep for an hour.

So, I was up and out the door by 5:30. Again, our "low" was something like 84 degrees with the heat index. And this morning there was not even a breeze to help out. My first mile was pretty slow. I was totally ok with that. I was still waking up and questioning my sanity anyway.

Mile 2 felt a little better but my legs started feeling so heavy. I couldn't figure out what the deal was. It was too dark to really see my pace, so I assumed I must be trucking right along. Um....not so much. But what I had forgotten was that I had done legs yesterday. Huge "duh" moment right? Clearly I was not yet awake and had no business running.

I had planned on doing 3.5 miles and had another half mile route if I felt up to it. Even with heavy legs and heat, I actually felt pretty good running so I went for it and completed 4 miles.

At lunch I went home and did a quick workout for chest, back, and shoulders. Once again, I went with Cathe's Power Hour for more of a high-rep session. I think next week I might move back into my heavier weights or figure out some sort of mix of the two.

It has, however, been a surprisingly nice change doing some DVDs again. I feel like I learned everything I know about lifting from Cathe's workouts. Well, initially. I have definitely read my fair share of Oxygen and Muscle & Fitness Hers magazines over the years.

How did you get started with weights or learn about different exercises, lifting styles, techniques, etc?

Stacking Veggies
Jason and I are doing sort of a date night in tonight. Last week we went to the wine bar so this week we're staying in, making dinner and either watching a movie or playing a few games of pool perhaps.

I wanted dinner to be nice, but easy as well. So I did a Veggie Tempeh Stack with a Creamy Roasted Red Bell Pepper Sauce.

The sauce is basically just silken tofu blended with roasted red bell peppers, and seasonings of your choice. I do like to add in some sort of vinegar and often use almond milk to achieve the desired consistency. I love using silken tofu to make a "creamy" sauce. A cashew sauce works just as well.

For the veggies, I simply roasted squash, sweet potatoes, and green bell peppers. I sauteed the tempeh in some white wine and garlic to try to infuse it with more flavor (which worked wonderfully).
I then just layered the veggies and tempeh and served over a bed of mixed greens with the sauce.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Morning run
Relaxing evening


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