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Facial for Rest Day & Creamy Pesto Pasta

Today was a rest day for me. I definitely was ready for one too. And how do you top off a rest day? How about with a facial? I'm kind of a cheap girlie girl (cheap as in frugal thankyouverymuch). I love fashion, love having my nails painted, makeup, jewelry, all that jazz. But I won't pay for manicures, pedicures or even massages...let alone a facial.

Jason, however, surprised me for Valentine's Day with a gift certificate for a facial. So today I put it to use. And the timing couldn't have been better. I've not been sleeping well this week and have had a headache for three days. Just not a happy camper basically.

So it was perfect timing for me. It was so indulgent and relaxing. I just wanted to melt into the table. I had a bad crick in my back and she massaged that out as well. So, hopefully tonight I'll sleep more soundly.

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Tomorrow we're planning on another long run if we can handle the heat. Our lows aren't exactly low - 80 degrees. Jason's stomach can be a little sensitive during long runs - I know this is pretty common for runners. So I tried to make something that would sit easier - another pasta dish.

Pasta twice in one week? Who am I??? I'm not really a big pasta fan. I know this is some sort of sin as an Italian. I guess it's the heaviness of it. I prefer the sauce, lots and lots of sauce. I tend to go overboard actually. But that's ok. It's what I like.

I have a ton of basil growing, so I decided to make use of it with a "Creamy" Pesto. It's so simple, you just blend up silken tofu, lots of fresh basil, olive oil, nuts (I only had pecans), salt, pepper, nutritional yeast flakes, garlic powder and a splash of apple cider vinegar. Tada. Easy peasy.

I made whole-wheat rotini, baked up some tofu that I seasoned with some Italian herbs, cut up some cherry tomatoes and tossed it all with the pesto. It's such a simple dish and can be served warm or cold.

I served mine over spinach, which is totally optional of course. And it tasted better than it looked. Not photogenic material.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Rest day
Easy dinner
Relaxing evening


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