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Fun Facts Friday - Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Recently, Angela at Happy Fit Mama  passed along the Very Inspiring Blogger Award to me. And I thought it'd be perfect for Fun Facts Friday.

Thank you so much Angela. I think you're incredibly inspiring!

The Rules:
  • Display the award logo somewhere on your blog. 
  • Link back to the blog who nominated you. 
  • State 7 things about yourself. 
  • Nominate 15 (or less) other bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs.
  • Notify those bloggers that they have been nominated and of the award’s requirements. 

7 Random Things About Me

1.  While I love the beach, the ocean, the waves, I don't actually enjoy getting into the water. I prefer to sit back with my toes in the sand and just listen and watch. I'll wade out no farther than my knees. When I was a kid, I did actually get in and play, swim, ride the waves on rafts. But now I know there are "things" in the water.

2.  I've mentioned before that I'm a total klutz, but I also did ballet for more than 20 years. The two don't seem to go together really. I only had one major fall during a class, and never on stage. We were rehearsing a new piece that included a sequence of developes (think leg to ear en pointe) then turns.

I never could get my leg nearly has high as I wanted, but man I wanted to dance this piece during a performance. Instead I landed flat on my stomach. Luckily only a severely bruised ego. Needless to  say, I danced a different piece.

Source: via Rene on Pinterest

3.  I guess there was another ballet related mishap in the 7th grade, only not really in class. I was trying to teach a friend pointe. I had a barre at my house, downstairs. We decided to get lunch - leftover pizza and a large glass of soda.

Still in pointe shoes I was walking down the stairs with plate in one hand, glass in the other. I slipped and landed flat on my tailbone, but saved the food and drink. Broken tailbone - and couldn't sit or stand easily for about 2 years.

4.  I am a fairly picky eater, but I have gotten better. Jason says I'm not vegetarian, I'm just picky. So I get really annoyed when someone questions why I don't want the single vegetarian item on a menu. Just because it's meat-free doesn't automatically mean it appeals to me - especially when it's nothing but a pile of avocados and cucumbers with a side of melons. 

5.  I wouldn't call myself a hoarder by any means, but I do have a hard time letting go of things, even clothes. I tend to attach memories to almost everything. For example, I had this small wicker container that had a pink rose on it with lace and such. I kept it until just a few months ago.

I had bought one and my friend (who passed away) bought one with a different rose color. We got them when she was at Houston Ballet's summer camp and I had ridden down there with her mom to visit, probably 13 years old. And in it, I had random things like the foil-covered penny I wore in my shoe for good luck during my first cheerleading tryouts. 

6.  I worked for a bookstore for 5 years (full-time paying for college) and have a weird obsession with hardback books. I love to read, but will only buy hardbacks. Needless to say, my stash of books looks more like a library. I finally had to box some up to store because they were just stacked nearly waist-high in the study. 

7.  I can wiggle my ears. Ok, so it's really just sort of a back to front motion vs true wiggle, but still.

Your turn - random fact time!

Now I have to do the hard part and pass along the award. I say hard because it really is hard to just choose a few bloggers. I think you all deserve the award. 

Jennifer at Running with the Girls 
Kristina at Spabettie 
Laura at Mommy Run Fast 
Heather at Mile 26 and More


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