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Fun Facts Friday - Weekly Randomness

I have loved hearing the many things you guys are thankful for from yesterday's Thankful Thursday post. Sounds like many of us need that gentle reminder from time-to-time.

Also, sometimes we need to step out of routine for the sake of our sanity. Last night we ended up meeting my friend after work for a very non-routine weekday happy hour. The weather was pleasant enough to sit out on the patio as well. She was celebrating her last day of work - today she is begins her new venture as a self-employed court reporter.

I'll admit to some grumbling about going out after work. It was a long, tiring day. I was frustrated, fairly pissy, probably unpleasant to be around actually. But, in the end, I'm really glad we went. "C" definitely needed to celebrate this new change, and I needed to calm my butt down. And yes, sometimes beer might be necessary for that to happen. Just being honest.

And speaking of honest, my brain is simply fried. I can't seem to come up with anything incredibly funny or witty for Fun Facts Friday. So how about some absolutely random things from this week?
  • I almost used my deodorant on my inner thighs instead of my Bodyglide on Wednesday morning. Perhaps a sign I should have stayed in bed?
  • This morning I decided to wear my new teal jeans (really out of comfort zone) and got one tag, knew there had been another but couldn't find it. Sitting at my desk I feel this pinching/itchy sensation on my hamstring. Yep, found the tag down my pants. Again....more sleep needed?
  • Last night I was using the electric wok to make stir-fry and started smelling wires burning. Time to get kitchen rewired folks. Had to completely disassemble that outlet so the house didn't burn down. 
  • It's really harder than you might think to come up with double-digit mile routes. 
  • Sometimes I am so happy for my rest day that I could cry (that would be today). 
  • The furbabies are getting hair cuts today - and so am I. Hair Cut Friday anyone?
  • How can you be too sleepy to sleep? I have felt that way much of the week. 
  • My running partner is trying to convince me to run the Little Rock FULL with her in March. And a weird, strange, scary little (very very little) part of me considered it. But, I worry about injuries - have so many issues just doing a half. 
  • I worry that my enthusiasm for other people's accomplishments might seem contrived (right word?). But it's deeply sincere. I love seeing friends and family achieve their goals and dreams. It just makes me smile. Maybe I see it as hope for myself too? I also know how wonderful it feels to receive that type of support. 
Ok, there you have it, just some totally random things from this week. Now it's your turn. What's something random in your life?


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