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Way to Go Wednesday

800's and Weights
This morning I got myself up and out of bed for my speed work day with my running buddy. I was kind of dragging butt. In fact, I almost used deodorant in lieu of my bodyglide on my inner thighs. Yup, perhaps that was a sign to get more sleep.

But, I had made plans to meet "A" at 6 am and I'm a girl who sticks to her plans. Even if half asleep. I got in 1.5 miles by the time I caught up with "A." Then it was time to tackle 800's. We decided on a slightly different route - one that was straight a mostly flat. The only problem is that it is still so incredibly dark at 6am. If a section of the street has a light out, it's completely dark. Makes things a little interesting. I may need to learn how to properly fall.

Anyway, it was a pretty good speed session. I'm thankful for the cooler temps that's for sure. The humidity still seemed to be rather high though as we were both dripping with sweat. At least it was 63-ish and not 80's like the last time I did speed work.

My splits were pretty good (3:46, 3:40, 3:43, 3:37). Clearly there was one direction that was somehow "easier." Perhaps less of any sort of gradual incline. I only did 4 before heading back home. "A" stuck it out for 6 - she's crazier than me you see ;-)

I got in a total of 6 miles and even with the recovery jogs, my average pace was an 8:46. I was really happy with that, shows that my intervals are improving. I say improving but not easy mind you.

I almost skipped out on my leg and chest workout at lunch. But I really can't skip my weights. I know this. It can get so hard though, especially for legs. It's hard to do legs when they're sore from running and then it's hard to run when they're sore from lifting. Talk about a Catch 22 huh?

Once I got going, however, I sort of got into the zone and it ended up being a pretty good workout. I also added in abs at the end and it only took right at 30 minutes.

TS#1 - 3x8
Goblet squats
Stiff-legged deadlifts
Chest flye into chest press

TS#2 - 3x8
Plie squats with low-end pulse
Calf raises (20 reps each set)

TS#3 - 3 sets, reps varied
3-point lunge (with dumbbells) - 5 each side
Chest press - 10 reps

I will say that this was a pretty light leg workout. But, after yesterday's faster paced run and today's intervals, trust me when I say I felt it. However, I am slightly disappointed in my leg workouts lately. Must figure this one out. And I think I say this every single time I start to increase mileage.

Way to Go Wednesday
I have no idea what we might have for dinner. Sometimes I think that makes for a really boring and trite post day in and day out. If it's another new recipe, I'll be sure to share. But what I'd rather share are some posts and accomplishments from some amazing ladies.

Jess and her hubby hit another huge PR in their marathon training by demolishing 22 miles!

Dorry and her hubby celebrated their 2-year marriage anniversary.

Jo had 12 very redeeming (and rewarding) miles.

Christie from Average Moms Wear Capes 5 mile run = on the road to recovery.

Who would you like to give a "Way to Go" shout out to?

Daily To-Enjoy List:
Morning run
Weight workout
Relaxing evening


  1. I totally get your catch 22!

    Happy to hear you improved on your intervals! Progress, no matter how small is still progress! WoOp! :)

  2. thanks for the shout out, Heather! we had an awesome anniversary! :)


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