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Curry & Fun Facts Friday - Taper Week

Half Marathon & Curry
Tomorrow Jason and I are running in the Soaring Wings Half Marathon. This will be my 4th half and his 2nd. I did this one as my 2nd half last year. Kind of funny Jason and I are following the same path for our half marathons.

I haven't mentioned it too much, and for a reason. I tend to get myself really worked up before a race. I didn't follow a set plan like I have in the past, but did stick to a fairly typical half training routine overall.

Part of a plan includes a taper week. Most people call it Taper Madness. Usually I get freaked out too about cutting back on workouts, on my runs, on basically what's become routine. But, as I mentioned yesterday, this time....I'm trying to embrace the lower intensity week. I got in my runs Tuesday and Wednesday, I rolled, stretched, soaked in epsom-salt baths and even did yoga.

I even read up on carb loading. And not just eating tons of carbs, but the reasoning - the idea of building up a glycogen reserve. I need all the help I can get, so I took it to heart actually. That meant cutting back on fiber (we eat a TON of fiber), lowering the protein and even planning out a pasta dinner with (eek) regular old pasta.

Last night, Jason decided that a curried tofu dish over rice would be good. It was brown rice, but the veggies were reduced to carrots, onions, bell peppers and peas. I ended up having to make my own curry paste because we were out.
It turned out pretty good, but I think it could use just a bit of refining before I try posting it as a recipe.

Fun Facts Friday - Taper Week
For Fun Facts Friday, I thought it'd be fun to talk about the perks and a few pitfalls of taper week and how I embraced it for a change.
  • You have time to do things like make homemade curry paste.
  • I could sit back and relax, paint my nails and not feel rushed.
  • Taking espsom-salt baths felt more like something necessary not indulgent. 
  • I could "sleep in" since I was running a much shorter distance and didn't have to start as early.
  • I got to sleep in because of rest days.
  • I was much less worn out.
  • It was encouraged to eat carbs - and not just the "good" carbs either.
  • Of course, the downtime leaves more time to start to think....
  • I did pull out my race outfit by Thursday.
  • I checked the hourly weather forecasts...well...hourly.
  • I whined and freaked out to a friend (thanks for listening Jess).
  • I did let self-doubt creep in.
  • But, I didn't stress my legs running more than I should.
  • I actually did yoga twice in a single week (more than I've done in 2 years).
  • I loved coming home from work and just being done. 
Do you embrace taper week (this goes for lifting too of course) or do you freak out? Perks? Pitfalls? 


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