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Fun Facts Friday - Sometimes

Evening Run
After work yesterday, Jason and I got in a run. The weather was beautiful (about 68 degrees and sunny), though insanely windy. The one good thing about running around the 'hood vs down by the river, however, is that you don't have head winds for half of a run. Just bits and pieces. Also, the wind helped keep me from feeling like I was overheating.

We basically meandered and zigzagged our way through the neighborhood. There was no set plan other than to get in 7 miles. But, we fell into a really good, fairly quick pace and were able to maintain an overall 8:49. And even didn't feel like a crazy hard struggle.

Luckily, I had tons of leftovers from a refrigerator special kind of dinner I made Sunday night. So leftovers it was for the evening. Perfect for a late dinner and easy clean up too ;-)

Fun Facts Friday - Sometimes
I am wondering if I should change Fun Facts Friday to Fun FOR Friday. It's not always facts, get the picture. This one might be kind of a strange one, but I realized that sometimes I think about certain things, wish for certain things, act a certain way...well, ok random. But sometimes, just sometimes you want, wish, dream, think, feel.

Sometimes I...
  • Randomly crave a soda. It's very rare. I can't even recall the last time I had one. But sometimes I just want one. Luckily we don't keep them on hand. 
  • Get really really down for seemingly no reason. Thankfully it can often pass as quickly as it comes on. 
  • Don't want to workout any more. I think how much time I'd have freed up. But then I remember how it makes me feel and know that's not an option.
  • Just want to eat whatever I want and not give a care - fried pickles, fried cheese, large pizza, bag of Cheetos and maybe all at the same time even. 
  • Wish I didn't want to run so badly - I mean, it'd make it so much easier to get over injuries if I just didn't care.
  • Think I care far too much and put way more effort into friendships than I should. Maybe I should re-phrase and say with the wrong "friends."
  • Want to just totally let loose and not have a care in the world.
  • Say really stupid things. It's like I open my mouth and what comes out is not at all what's in my head.
  • Love staying home and never changing out of PJs, not having to mess with hair or makeup. 
  • Can just laugh for no reason at all. Just get tickled. 
  • Get really nervous before I go out for a run.
  • Wonder why on earth so many people are out driving at 5:30 am. Not that they probably aren't wondering what the hell I'm doing out running at that ungodly hour. 
  • Get irrationally angry when I have to stand at an intersection waiting on traffic too long. I mean, can't they move it along or perhaps stop and let me run??
So, what are your "sometimes"? 


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