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Green and White Tempeh Chili & Way to Go Wednesday

Green and White Chili
Monday night I made my White Tempeh Chili. Since it's technically more green I suppose I'll stop calling it white, how about Green and White Tempeh Chili? I also made more of Sarena's chickpea oat flatbread with green chile and jalapeno peppers (sorry for the terrible pictures)

Green & White Tempeh Chili
1/2 white onion, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
2 poblano peppers, diced
2-3 jalapenos, minced
2 tbsp minced garlic
1 package tempeh, crumbled
32 oz low-sodium vegetable stock 
2 cans cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
To taste: salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin, red pepper, cilantro

In large sauce pot, saute onions, peppers, jalapenos, tempeh, and garlic until begins to soften. Add in the stock, beans, and spices. Let simmer for about 45 minutes or longer to allow the liquid to cook down and chili to thicken.

I promise it tastes way better than it looks!

Running Time Change & Fast Stir-Fry
Tuesday morning I simply could not drag myself out of bed to meet my running partner. I feel totally lame, but it was cold (42 degrees) and so very very dark. I'm ready for the time change so maybe getting up won't be so painful.

I had thought about getting in a run at lunch perhaps, but then Jason said he'd run with me if I waited on him to get off work. 5:30 pm running? I've been doing 5:30 am since May so this was a huge switch in the schedule to say the very least.

There are some pros to waiting until midday or after work. For starters, it's light outside. No worries about tripping and falling or strangers lurking, hidden in the bushes. The one big downfall is that there is more traffic. That means frequent (and longer) stops at intersections. It also means you're fatigued from a full day at work. In the morning you're just groggy. There is a difference.

I had intended the run to be on the easier side. I think part of my hitting the wall is coming from pushing too hard during long runs. What happened was the run ended up being more of a hilly temp run. The first 2 miles were at an 8:50, but then we ended up falling into a faster pace. Not necessarily intentionally, but just going with it. So 6 miles ended up being under my goal race pace for my half marathon giving us an 8:44 overall average.

Not bad, but not at all as I had intended. And man my legs were screaming at me. Felt like I had done about a million and one deadlifts thanks to crossing bridges and going up a forever long ascent back home. And of course I know what doing a million and one deadlifts feels like right ;-)

Do you find that you change your workout times based on the season changes?

With later runs or workouts come a much later than normal dinner. I had plenty of time to make some brown rice before Jason got home. And then I threw together a super quick stir-fry after our run. I took the help of frozen veggies and Light Life Spicy Sweet & Sour Cutlets.

I had picked them up on clearance just for purposes like this - definitely faster than pressing, marinating, then cooking off tofu. (Do note that they are not vegan as they contain egg whites.)

I tried to replicate a similar spicy, sweet, sour sauce that the cutlets came in by combining sriracha, agave, garlic powder, rice wine vinegar, plum sauce, soy sauce, and orange juice.

Way to Go Wednesday
Now let's get down to the real business - Way to Go Wednesday! Here are my shout-outs, kudos, high-fives and hugs for the week.

Jessica (and her hubby) for taking on their first marathon this weekend - the Chicago Marathon.

Lindsay for taking assisting in Operation Sherpa - Get Jess her Healthy Bites!

Heather for running the Chicago Marathon with her sister.

Jolene for being the onsite sherpa for her sister and brother-in-law. And for stepping back ;-)

Sarena for successfully getting me addicted to her chickpea oat flatbread.

Betsy for infusing some humor into that crazy thing we call taper week.

Amanda for reminding me that you sometimes must resist that temptation to add on those extra miles.

Your turn - who do you want to give a shout out to? 


  1. I dread afternoon/evening running but I usually surprise myself by doing better than anticipated. Truth in itched hardest part is getting out the door when you don't feel like working out or running.

    Nice Way to Go Wednesday list!!! So happy for Jess and hubs!


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