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Playing Frogger and Fun Facts Friday - Sh^t Runners Say

Running or Playing Frogger?
Yesterday I ended up meeting up with my running partner after work for a run. As we did on Thursday, I just ran from my house to her office and we looped around the downtown area.

We did make a change to our usual route as we had heard news of some crime in one area of the route. Tuesday we had noticed that there seemed to be a large number of unsavory characters milling around. So even though we both carry mace, better to just avoid that area for now.

The only downfall was that the traffic was horrendous. I have no clue what was going on, but it was bumper to bumper all through downtown. This is not usual and certainly wasn't the case on Tuesday when we ran. What sucks is that people in this city have no understanding or concept of crosswalks and pedestrians.

People will pull all the way into the crosswalks. They do not yield to pedestrians and they never seem to look right. So this made it a little tricky to say the least. Felt a little bit like we were playing Frogger than just out running. But we managed and had a great run regardless. I ended up with 6 miles and "A" hit probably 5.5 by the time she made it to her house.

Are people in your city cognizant of pedestrians?

Fun Facts Friday - Sh^t Runners Say and Know
Today is my rest day. Though, I was up around 5:20 because Miss Maddie was downstairs barking her head off. Jason had gotten up at 5 to go to his master's swim class, and I know he let the dogs out. Apparently she didn't poop though so she was yelling at me to let her out.

Don't worry, not going to talk about poop for Fun Facts Friday. Though...I could based on the topic - Sh^t Runners Say. So I guess I am talking poop huh ;-)

Runners are definitely a unique group. How many of you are nodding your head right now or smiling? Yep, we're weird and proud of it too. We run in the rain and brag, we run in the dark and brag (and complain while bragging), we talk about things while running with friends you wouldn't talk about any other time like having to make immediate pit stops or chaffing issues.

So I thought it'd be fun to list out some of the odd things we say that non-runners probably don't get.

Sh^t Runners Say (that only other runners get)
  • I accidentally ran 12 miles.
  • I'm going to take it easy this week and only run about 25 miles.
  • I needed an easy run so I only did 6 miles.
  • I ran naked (as in no electronics not sans clothing)
  • I finally learned how to do a snot rocket.
  • That was the worst run ever, hopefully tomorrow's will be better (runner's amnesia already kicking in).
  • My legs are so heavy, I'm going to do an easy recovery run...maybe 4 miles.
  • Look, my toenail is black. 
  • I found the best deal on compression socks, they were only 30 bucks! (as if any normal person would be excited to pay $30 for socks unless they had gold thread)
  • YAY - GU is on sell!

And just for fun, Sh^t Runners Can Tell You:

  • The forecast down to the half hour
  • Dew point, humidity, wind chill and wind speed
  • Time of sunrise and sunset
  • The exact mileage from just about any given point
  • The incline of a stretch of road
  • Where sidewalks end
  • What sidewalks you might be able to navigate and those to avoid entirely
  • Where to find water (either city spigot or actual water fountain)
  • Easy routes, hard routes, flat routes, hilly routes, long routes, short get the idea

What would you add to either list? 


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