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Sniffles and Workouts on Way to Go Wednesday

Sniffles and Workouts
Sunday afternoon I started to steadily sneeze and sneeze and sneeze until my upper lips was red from blowing my nose. Monday morning I could feel the sinus drainage getting worse. I took a Zyrtec D - usually dries me right up - but my sinuses continued to drip and drain until I had a nice sore throat.

My plan was to just skip my workout. But I ended up going ahead and getting weights done for biceps, triceps, shoulders. My rationale was that if it sucked horribly, I could stop. And it would be a fairly short workout.

I surprised myself actually, and felt a little bit better once I got going. I went with a triset of 3x8 (unless noted). I've been doing high reps for the past 3 weeks, so this was a great switch up and my muscles felt it.

Biceps curls with rotation
Double-arm overhead triceps extension
Overhead shoulder press

Hammer curls
Double-arm kickbacks
Lateral raises

Cross-body curls
Triceps pushups (10 reps on knees, I am so weak on these)
Front raises

I also did some abs then stretched before calling it quits and cleaning up.

Maybe the workout got the sinuses moving out the front (gross I realize) but my throat was feeling a little better. That is, until I went to sleep. Within an hour of dozing off, I woke up with a screaming sore throat and what I call a "squishy" ear. You know that feeling that every time you swallow it makes a squishy noise? Please tell me you get it ;-)

Anyway, slept poorly. Got up and got myself to work determined to stick it out as long as I could. I started feeling a little better once the meds kicked in again and after sucking on Halls like it was my job.

My plan for the day had been to run with my running partner. I would run from my house to her office like we had been doing. I wavered back and forth on what to do. Either it'd make me feel better or worse right?

I went ahead and went for it knowing I could just drop off and circle back home if need be based on the route I had plotted out. I'm kind of OCD on plotting routes. But sometimes it comes in handy.

It ended up being much cooler than either of us expected. As soon as the sun gets low, the temps drop fast. Of course, this makes you move faster too. Though, we did have lots of stops/starts because of the 5 pm traffic. But sometimes that's ok.

I managed to get in 5 pretty good miles despite my sinuses and sore throat. The run actually seemed to clear out my sinuses for a bit. 

Do you workout when you're feeling under the weather? Do you have a certain point when you know you must rest or do you push on? I'll workout up to a point. But if it's in my chest or I have a fever, it's an absolute no go.

Way to Go Wednesday
Since I was just talking about running, I suppose it's appropriate that the Way to Go Wednesday shout outs are running related.

Laura (Mommy Run Fast) for knocking out an awesome 20:22 PR for a 5K Turkey Trot and sharing her perspectives on what running means to her.

Mr. Pavement Runner (and wife and The First Lady for their 1st 5K) for a kickbutt, speedy 10K and beating his super secret goal of 45 mins.

Heather's son for an awesome 5K Turkey Trot.


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