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Weekend Recap with Running, Girls' Lunch, Lazy Days

Impromptu Long Run
This weekend was a good one. Mostly low-key, but still lots of fun. I ended up getting in my long run on Friday. That wasn't exactly the plan. Jason was out of town, so I was going to run 5 miles then meet up with friends for a drink. Well, the happy hour plans fell through. But the run didn't.

I actually ended up running with someone from work. We've chatted via email and talked about trying to run together, but it's just not happened yet. But, it ended up working out for us on Friday. I had worked extra to take off earlier on Friday. So I left work just before 3, went home and changed then ran from my house back down to the office to meet up with "B." 

I won't lie, I was a bit nervous. I am always nervous when I run with someone new for the first time. You don't know what their pace might be or what if you have a crappy run. Anyway, it was really hot (70's) and the sunny. But there was a wind that kind of helped. We ran down in the river market area then sort of zigzagged and meandered until making our way back to the office. 

At that point, I was at 5.75 miles with a mile back to the house depending on the route I went. I got back to the house and got more water then decided to just go ahead and go for it. I mean, all I needed was 3 more miles and my 10-miler was done for the week. With that in mind, I took a few Honey Stinger Chews then headed back out. 

Overall it was a good run. But, I went way faster than I should have. Part of it was the fact that I was planning a shorter run, so going faster wasn't a big deal at 5-6 miles. I ended up with an overall 8:44 pace that I kind of paid for afterwards. My legs immediately let me know they weren't pleased. I quickly got cleaned up and pulled on my compression socks and stretched and iced my heels. 

I decided to re-heat some leftover chili, which ended up being a terrible idea. The chili was fine (as in not old or bad), but it did not set well on my tummy after the long run. Note to self: chili is not a good recovery meal. I was worn out from a long week and the long run, so I went to bed really early.

Saturday Fun Day
Going to bed early also meant waking up early, but I refused to get out of bed at 6 am on Saturday. So I just laid there for a bit before finally getting up at 7:30. I kind of piddled around for a bit before deciding to go out for a run. Let's just say running 5 miles about 12 hours after 10 miles is not a brilliant move. 

My legs were so heavy. Not sore, just heavy like running in mud. And it was terribly humid out. There was also a Color Run going on with the route taking over part of my usual route. Humph. How dare they..... So that meant I had to kind of circle around one area more than I would have liked. I hate to circle and circle. 

The air was so thick and damp that I actually felt clammy as if I were feverish. Very strange and not enjoyable at all I must add. But I'm stubborn and was determined to finish that darn run. 

After the run, I got cleaned up, pulled on those compression calf sleeves and waited around for my sister. We headed to the mall, did a little shopping then met up with some girlfriends for a late girls' lunch. We had so much fun talking, eating, talking, eating...laughing. 

Sarah and I didn't do anything else after we got home. We both quickly changed into PJs (ate way too much at lunch and wanted Thanksgiving pants on ASAP) and just sat on the couch, listened to music and talked. It was perfect really. 

Around 8 we decided to make up a gluten-free pizza. I had picked up a package of Bob's Red Mill pizza dough. So easy to put together and really tasty too. So, just a really nice, laid back kind of day.

Lazy Sunday
Sunday my sister left around 9:30. It was a gray, dreary looking day with a storm front pushing through. I stayed in PJs until 11 before deciding to get off my butt and get my workout done. 

Originally I thought I'd run 4 miles. But, I decided to not go for a run. It was warm, humid, gusting winds. And my feet were hurting honestly. Instead, I went with legs, chest, triceps and abs from Cathe's High Reps DVD. I rarely do high rep workouts, but man oh man they get you. Sneaky sneaky. 

After my workout, I cleaned up and put on comfy clothes again. Not exactly PJs but pretty darn close. The rest of Sunday was completely lazy. I did one load of laundry and that was about it. We had rain and storms rolling through by mid-afternoon, so it was the perfect day to stay in and do nothing other than catch up on The Walking Dead episodes. 


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