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Anything but Normal Week

This past week has been anything but normal. It was not only a holiday week, but we also had a major winter storm (you can read about it here too). Snow is rare, we usually get ice if anything. So to have ice then 10+ inches of snow piled on top...let's just say the state was not prepared at all. In fact, my city has been basically crippled with hundreds of thousands without power.

My mom, dad, sister are all without power. My boss is without power. And too many friends to name are all still without power and may not have it until next week. People are cold, grouchy, and frustrated right now.

Thankfully we never lost power. But, I missed my hematology appointment. Then the doctors' offices are closed and without power or even phone lines so I ran out of my medication for the blood clot. I am lucky to have a good relationship with my pharmacist though. So again, I'm lucky. I can't imagine how many people aren't able to get their medications or even get into see their doctors right now.

Wednesday night, our friends and their son ended up staying with us. It was their son's 14th birthday poor kid and he's stuck being shuffled around with. But he was a happy camper once we got him set up with his Xbox so he could finally play the games he'd gotten for Christmas.

Then Thursday night, my sister came up to stay until tomorrow (she'll be heading out of town after that). But at least we were able to provide a few people with some heat and food this week.

Luckily I could still work from home. I was scheduled to be off on Wednesday, but supposed to work Thursday and Friday. Of course, it was pretty dead. I wasn't sure who was even around to answer any emails and such.

Anyway, I feel so out of sorts this week that it just doesn't seem much like Fun Facts Friday. So instead I'll just leave you with some pictures of the snow.

Tree outside of my house

A view from the side of my house

Just one of many many trees down

My roses
How does your city or state fair when bad weather hits? Is it prepared or does it get crippled?


  1. No wonder you are feeling out of sorts! That is crazy!
    I'm so glad you were able to still get your medication.
    It's crazy that even the doctors were closed!!
    Have a wonderful New Year Heather!

  2. I grew up in the Midwest, so snow was a way of life, but since moving to VA, I can tell you that the entire place shuts down when it snows! It's partially the lack of resources to clear and salt/sand roads, but also the inability to drive in it. I'm glad you were able to be there for others who weren't so fortunate. Hope everything clears up soon!


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