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Cold Running & Things I Need Help With

Cold Running
Yesterday, my running partner and I had planned a rundate after work. Let me preface this story with the fact that it was sunny and 60 degrees on Wednesday, a day I did not run. Thursday was the opposite. It was overcast, gusting winds, and wind chills at 30 all day, dropping by the time we ran into the 20's. I know 20's aren't that cold for a lot of you, but in the South...brrrr

I won't lie, I was dreading that initial sting of the cold. You know that one when you first step outside and think, "What the hell am I doing?" It's that moment where you fight with your brain about the temperature. You're cold at first and you instinctively feel the need to rush back in and put on more layers.
Posted on Instagram:
This is my what am I doing it's too cold to run outside look
But your rational side sometimes prevails and forces you to just step away from the door and get moving. Thankfully I listened because I did almost end up hot, almost. I ran the mile to "A's" office then we ran around the downtown area near the river. Luckily, the route we took kept us mostly out of the gusting headwinds.

Sometimes I still get nervous running with "A," especially now since I never know how far I can go without having to stop. But somehow, we almost always setting quickly into a nice pace and even better conversation. Traffic downtown does mean we have to stop more frequently, so that does help me right now recover a bit without having totally stop and/or walk. But I think the talking also helps me focus elsewhere. 

All that to basically say that despite the cold, gloom, and wind, I had a really awesome 5.5 mile run.

Do you ever semi-dread a run or get nervous before a run? And temperatures? What's your cut off point?

Fun for Friday - Things I Need Help With
I almost did this list yesterday as a Thursday Things I Need Help With, but decided to save it for Fun for Friday instead. It's Friday and I think we all could use something light and slightly inane. So here is a list of things I need help with - links, suggestions, whatever you got.

Hemp seeds - just got a bag to try. Any tips, tricks or recipes you want to share?

Warm running socks - I have 2 pairs of bamboo/wool socks that now have holes in the toes. I haven't worn them "that" much. So any brands you recommend?

Heel caps - I end up knocking the heel caps off my shoes (I might run on my toes but walk on my heels). Has anyone ever bought heel caps and replaced them yourself?  

Though I have a rant about Steve Madden shoes - they fall apart! I have a pair of gray booties and the heels literally crumbled. Not sure if heel caps would even work on those shoes.

Low acidic recipes - I've started having some tummy issues that I believe are related to the Xarelto. I wanted to try some lower acid dishes to see if that might help.

Personal cert training - Ugh, overwhelmed with all the info. Any tips of advice on how to approach studying?

Ok, your turn, what's something you need help with?


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