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Vegetable "Beef" Soup and Way to Go Wednesday

Post-Run Soup
Yesterday ended up being another weird weather day for us. Saturday was 70+ degrees. Yesterday it was in the upper 20's with freezing rain/sleet/snow. That meant slippery streets, not conducive to a run with my running buddy.

I ended up hitting up our work gym's treadmill. I normally hate the treadmill. Once upon a time, I actually liked it though. But there's just something stagnant to me about running on the mill. Also, my former gym didn't allow you to change the TV stations so you had ESPN or CNN. Oooohhh exciting right? Not.

Anyway, no one was there (most people left work early because of the road conditions), so I changed the TV channel to the Food Network. Something about running and watching cooking shows that just works for me. Not being sarcastic either.

I kept it fairly slow and steady. I ended up hitting 4 miles and made a deal with myself to go to 5 then I could rest and see how I felt from there. At 5 miles, I walked, drank water, toweled off, recouped basically. Then I made another deal with myself to hit 6. Repeat the recoup, then 7, recoup then 8.

The last mile I did do 1 minute intervals to make it go by quicker. And it did the trick. 8 miles done and done. And on the tread I think that counts for like 11 right?

I won't like, I'm sore as hell from that run. It was hard and not just mentally. I had to really dig deep to get it done. But, I have a half marathon in 6 weeks. I need to figure out if I can physically do it or if I need to drop down to the 10K. Of course the treadmill was easier in the fact that it was an even pace an no hills.

I did keep it at a .5 incline, but that's not really indicative of an outdoor run. But it worked for me and allowed me to get in the miles. Would it suffice for half training and the course for the half? Not hardly. So, I have some thinking to do.

So, after the run, I got home, cleaned up and stretched and rolled. I was wiped out and really achy already. All I wanted was something easy and warm for dinner. I decided to go with a Vegetable "Beef" Soup using Gardein Beefless Tips

Vegetable "Beef" Soup
1/2 white onions, small dice
3-4 carrots, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
4-5 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 head of cauliflower, diced
1/2 bunch broccoli, diced
1 3oz can tomato paste (or 1 15 oz can no-salt diced tomatoes)
1 32 oz container no-salt vegetable broth
1 not-beef bouillon cube
To taste: salt, pepper, chile powder, parsley, basil
1 zucchini, diced
1 package Gardein Beefless Tips
1/2 cup frozen peas

In a large soup pot, saute onions, carrots, bell pepper, and garlic for approximately 5 minutes. Add in the cauliflower, broth, seasonings, bouillon cube, tomato paste.

Allow to simmer for approximately 20 minutes then stir in broccoli and zucchini. Let simmer an additional 10-15 minutes then stir in the Gardein Beefless Tips and frozen peas.  Allow to simmer until veggies are cooked through. Re-season if needed.

This was perfect for a cold evening. It was easy to throw together, warm and filling.

Way to Go Wednesday
I've missed Way to Go Wednesday recently, but wanted to get back to it this week. I know I'm missing a lot of other runners, so if you completed a run this week, please post in the comments because you deserve a shout out too!

For the first time ever, I'm going to give myself a shout out first. I finally took a leap of faith and signed up for the ISSA Personal Trainer Certification! Like I mention, my word for the year is "change." This is the first step.

Heather at Running With Sass for being Goofy! Not only did she run 39.3 miles in 2 days, but she also PR'd on the full marathon!

Laura at Mommy Run Fast for knocking out an awesome time at the Houston Marathon despite rainy conditions.

Charlotte from Wild Things Run Free for getting a PR at the 3M Half Marathon in Austin.

Heather from 26 and More also did the Goofy challenge. Amazing!

Your turn - share your shout outs!


  1. The most I've ever run on the TM was 7 miles and that felt like agony! Way to go!!! Sometimes running is running no matter where it is. Remember a few years ago there was a woman in Alaska who trained for the Olympic marathon trial only on her treadmill. She did awesome so if really is about piling on the miles.

  2. There must be a moment when running goes from fitness to lifestyle...I think that's when the treadmill stops becoming a desirable option. I always ran on a treadmill, but only considered it "working out". It wasn't until I went outside that I felt like a runner....and I'm SO happy you're pursing a passion. You're going to rock at it!


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