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Blood Clot, Plantar Fasciitis and Way to Go Wednesday

Blood Clots & Plantar Fasciitis 
I don't know about you guys, but I'm definitely getting twitchy for the weekend. It didn't help that I knew I had a follow-up appointment at 7:45 this morning with the hematologist. I just hate hate knowing that I'm about to have to have blood drawn. Doesn't make for a pleasant morning.

I also hate going to the doctor, waiting waiting waiting, and then not really hearing anything new. So, not really any follow-up news for me to report other than a scheduled CT scan at the end of the month to see if the clot is still there.

The scan will be of the clavicle area where the clot was and where I still have a weird pain as well as my chest just to see if I've had any clots in my lungs - as I did have shortness of breath previously. They never did take a scan of my chest initially.

On the upside, I did get to finally run this morning with my friend. It was my first run since my half marathon. I've been babying my foot like crazy. This morning was really about testing the waters to see how it was feeling. I've done nothing that resembled a run - not even a pretend run (like high knee jogs).

Despite the fact that it was in the 30's and pitch dark, and early in the morning, I was really excited to get out there for the run. I've definitely been missing my runs with Amy. I mean, really, it's hard to beat at great morning run with great conversation. Talk about a great way to kick off a day - or end one when we get to go after work.

Drum roll.....I got in 4 miles. They weren't fast (Amy is recovering from the flu), but they felt so good. Well, there was still pain, not pain like during the race. It's back to the pain that I was feeling prior to the race. So, I know that my foot is far from healthy. But I feel better knowing that I could actually run so the injury isn't as bad as it could have been.

I am bound and determined to figure out how to kick this plantar fasciitis to the curb. I do everything that's suggested (stretch, roll, roll calves, feet exercises, calf exercises, ice and repeat).  I tried orthotics and that felt terrible. I have started wearing minimalist shoes around the house to try to further strengthen my feet. When I danced, I never ever had any issues like this.

I know this injury stems from an imbalance and the fact that my feet are simply not as strong as they were from ballet. So somehow I need to find that and fix it. I should have gone to med school.

If you've dealt with plantar fasciitis, how did you beat it? Or did you?

Way to Go Wednesday
I don't know if I love Wednesday for the shout outs or that it means we're on the downslide to  the weekend. Ok, I think it's really the shout outs and hear your shout outs too!

Laura at Mommy Run Fast was at it again this past weekend with a 10k (6 days after her half mind you).

Heather at Through Heather's Looking Glass PR'd during her recent 5k.

Angela at Happy Fit Mama for hitting a new PDR of 18 miles.

Mrs. Stuftmama is at it again with another amazing half marathon pace. Rock.Star.


  1. Yay for running again! As for PF...I've never had it (knock on wood) but I know it's super hard to get rid of entirely. Minimalist shoes and massage were a couple of options that I know worked for some of my friends. I don't think even med school would help - I've got a dr friend who can't shake it! :-)

  2. Opps...thanks for the shout out too!!


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