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Just Livin' and Way to Go Wednesday

Just Livin'
Well, I guess it's kind of a low-key week so far. Been doing a lot of studying for my ISSA Personal Trainer Certification. Getting in my workouts.

I got in a super chilly, 6-mile run with my friend Tuesday morning. I thought it was spring, and I thought I lived in the South. But, it was a brisk 23-degree windchill kind of morning. Oh, and dark. Gotta love that it's pitch-black again at 6 am...or not.

I will say, I won't complain too much because I know that summer will hit in full force before we know it. We rarely have a transition period to adjust. One day it's 40 then the next day it's 80 and it just goes up from there.

I've had lots of people continue to ask about Heath. So far he's doing much better. He was even trying to play ball last night. But the vet did say that there's really no follow-up or anything that can be done other than maintenance with new food for liver "health." Eventually, he will succumb to this disease.

Part of me wants to take it farther, go for a second opinion. I can't stand the though of losing this sweet boy. So much of what I've read said to remove the gallbladder. Of course, that came with it's own set of complications. But our vet has never really even brought that up.

What's even worse is that he went from being (seemingly) fine to in the vet hospital within a day's time, how will we really know if he's starting to get sick again? That's worrisome to say the least.

I guess Maddie thinks Heath is better, though, as she's back to her old antics again. For the first few days he was home, she was actually rather calm. And for her, that's still up a few notches. Kind of scary really ;-)

Way to Go Wednesday  
Lots of running accomplishments this week to share for Way to Go Wednesday. As always, I definitely want to hear your shout outs too!

Regina at Life's Run for a PR at the Azalea Trail Run 10K, and for getting out of comfort zones racing out of her city AND state.

Pavement Runner does it again with a sub-4 Marathon!

Bonnie at Life to the Full for a great half marathon (and possibly catching the racing bug).

Mindy at Road Runner Girl also did the Azalea Trail Run and used her super powers to beat last year's time.

Liana at Run to Munch for a PR and 2nd place female in a recent 10K.


  1. Hugs to you and Heath. It's so tough!

    Congrats and high fives for awesome accomplishments!


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