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April 5 by the 5th Virtual Race Series

Not sure how, but it's already time for the next 5 by the 5th Virtual Race Series run. I am so glad I signed up to do this series. It's really been a lot of fun, and I will be kind of sad when it's over in June.

I definitely hope that this becomes an annual tradition. I think it's a great way to keep on track or even set goals. I know several people are using this series as a way to increase 5K speeds. For me, I was just trying to get back on track after my blood clot. I didn't realize how much I would end up looking forward to making sure I logged those miles for the race though.

Yesterday, I did suck it up and head out for a run after work with my friend. I was really contemplating the dreadmill because the forecast was really bleak. It was gray, gloomy, crazy windy, but at least the rain was holding off. It was cool, but I think it only felt cold because it was that damp air. Oh, and the wind.

But, as usual, we both ended up way warmer than we expected. I'm glad I talked myself out of the two layers I was eying. Somehow, the wind didn't stop us from knocking out a pretty good pace. I assumed we were going slower because of the gusting winds, but apparently that wasn't the case.
It's amazing how much having great company and great conversation can help you take your mind off of the actual work and just go with it. I will call this my last tempo run before my 10k this coming Saturday.

Are you participating in the 5 by the 5th Virtual Race Series? Or maybe another virtual challenge?


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