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Tasty Taco Tusday - Lime Cumin Tempeh Tacos

I haven't done a Tasty Tuesday in a while, but I have made a few new recipes actually. I'll admit to not always taking pictures though. Well, I have taken some pictures with my phone to share on instagram, but it really looks like a sloppy mess, though it tasted fantastic. Maybe I should do a roundup of sloppy, ugly, messy but amazingly tasty recipes?

This one isn't ugly, it might be a little messy, but it was really tasty. Even better, not only is it Tasty Tuesday, but it works for Taco Tuesday as well.

I have finally figured out the art of cooking tempeh - poach it. I use a lot of garlic with no-salt vegetable stock to poach the tempeh. I can then add in seasonings of my choosing and later bake it or grill it.

This time, I decided to try poaching crumbled tempeh for tacos. I love cumin and chili powder. They are both very earthy, smoky, rich flavors, but they aren't hot spicy, just flavor spicy. If that makes sense.

Lime & Cumin Tempeh Tacos
1 package tempeh
4-5 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 cup no-salt vegetable broth (this is approximate)
3-4 limes, juiced
1 small can green chille peppers, minced
To taste: salt, pepper, cumin, cilantro, chili powder, red pepper

In a large non-stick skillet, add in the garlic and broth then crumble in the tempeh. Add in the remaining ingredients and cover. Allow to simmer on medium-low for approximately 15 minutes. Remove lid and continue to simmer until all liquid is gone.

I made a very simple slaw to top the tacos with. I used pre-packaged broccoli slaw, fresh lime juice, salt, cumin. I loved the flavor of the filling. I think it'd also work really well for enchiladas using a green sauce.

What are your favorite taco fillings?


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