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Leg Workout for Runners and Way to Go Wednesday

Leg Day
Happy Hump Day! This morning I headed out for a nice 6-mile solo run. It was just a tad cooler, 69 degrees. At this point, any single degree cooler I'll gladly take. I forgot to bring my sunglasses with me though. It's crazy how early the sun is up now. I misjudged that one once again.

I'm still slacking on my leg workouts. I've just not been consistent at all. So today I decided to get in my legs during lunch. That way I couldn't make up excuses to put it off again. I know that I desperately need to strengthen my glutes and hamstrings, as well as vastus medialis and lateralis. Oh and then of course quads and calves. In other words, there are a LOT of exercises I should be doing.

Because I was short on time, I decided to go with a circuit, gearing the exercises more for running and my current imbalances. Of course, it would be a good one for anyone.

Start with a 5-minute warm up to get the blood flowing and loosen up your joints. Choose a weight that is about 70-80% of your 1 Rep Max (1RM).

Video examples:
Plie squats with dumbbell 
Glute bridges on stability ball

Do you tend to put off leg day? Any tips for making it more enjoyable?

Way to Go Wednesday
Now onto something a little more enjoyable (unless you do like leg workouts) - Way to Go Wednesday shout outs! Don't forget to share your shout out for the week.

Brian at PavementRunner for another awesome marathon finish.

Jess at Run with Jess for a PR at a recent 4-miler.

Heather's son (Mile 26 and More) smashed his 5K PR and is also doing a run streak with his mom.

Kierston at CandyFit competed again, this time taking 2nd place in bikini at the OPA Ottawa Classic and her hubby took 3rd in physique.


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