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Tasty Tuesday - Grilled Peaches, Beets and Tofu Salad

Just a little bit of recapping before heading into my Tasty Tuesday recipe for Grilled Peaches, Beets and Tofu Salad. Mostly running, biking, grilling, and lots of time with sister and friend.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know I did. And it went by way too fast (of course). Saturday I got in a run, we ran several errands, then I spent some time in the pool being lazy. I should have been more productive, but I wasn't. And that's perfectly ok. 

Sunday morning Jason and I went for a 20-mile bike ride. My sister came up and we helped my friend organize and hang pictures at her new apartment. Then we all went for a really late lunch. 

The day ended with Amy stopping by for dinner - I grilled a huge tempeh and veggie salad for the girls. Luckily the temperatures weren't too miserable, so we were able to sit outside and enjoy the food and the evening…and of course the great conversation and laughs. 

Monday I used as a rest day, sort of. My sister has been staying with me because of a conference, so we went out for a walk after work. We ended up hoofing it for 4 1/2 miles. I loved the time spent with my sis. I wish we could do that sort of thing every day. I'll be sad that she's leaving this afternoon.

Jason and I got out for a run this morning. It was ever so slightly cooler - only 72 degrees - with a nice breeze. We got in 6 miles together then I did another 2 on my own for a nice 8-miler. 

I mentioned last week that we've been grilling a lot recently. I don't often get super creative though. I tend to grill all of the same veggies and make a very similar marinade/dressing. I mean, when you find something you like, why go fussing with it right?

But, sometimes it's good to try something new. I saw a grilled peach salad on pinterest and decided I wanted to try to something similar. I had picked up some beets at the Farmer's Market and thought the sweetness from the peaches would pair nicely with the earthiness of the beets. 

Grilled Peaches, Beets and Tofu Salad
3-4 peaches, halved with pit removed
1 package extra firm tofu, pressed and cut into 4 squares
2-3 beets (depending on size), peeled and cubed
Balsamic vinegar (approximately 1/2 cup or for desired consistency can also add a splash of OJ)
1 - 1 1/2 tablespoons grain mustard
To taste: salt, white pepper, thyme, rosemary, garlic powder, drizzle of honey or agave
Feta (optional)
Spinach and/or lettuce blend of choice

Pre-heat your grill. 

Place beets in a foil packet with drizzle of olive oil, salt, black pepper. 

Whisk together the balsamic vinegar, mustard, and spices. Marinate the tofu in the mixture for at least 30 minutes. 

Grill the foil packet of beets for approximately 20 minutes then flip and continue to grill another 15-20 minutes or until tender. 

Grill the tofu until firm. Toss the peaches in the marinade just before placing on the grill. Watch closely so they don't over-cook and become too soft.

Dice the peaches and tofu and add to a bed of spinach and/or lettuce blend along with the beets. Top with feta (optional) and drizzle of the remaining marinade.

This was super summery, full of great flavors and textures. My only complaint was that the peaches weren't quite as ripe as I would have liked. Guess I don't know how to pick peaches very well.

Do you like peaches for savory or sweet dishes?


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