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Way to Go Wednesday - I Passed My Personal Trainer Test

TGIW - It's a weird holiday week for Americans - we have Independence Day tomorrow so today is sort of like Friday. I guess that made yesterday Hump Day. But then most of us work again Friday so that's like having 2 Mondays and 2 Fridays. With me still?

All I know is that I'm looking forward to a much needed rest day tomorrow - from work and work outs.  I've been having trouble sleeping, lots of tossing and turning, then waking up at 4:30 am. Yawn.

Thank goodness we're still having mild weather right now. That gives me something to look forward to with the running - that and meeting up with Amy. It was a gorgeous morning to be out running. Very peaceful. Oh and I saw a family of 6 very plump raccoons scurrying about. Hard not to smile at that sight, or taking a minute to enjoy architecture (the picture really doesn't do this former church justice).

I got in 2 miles then met up with her for another 4.5 miles for a total of 6.5 miles. We were both sort of giggly this morning and discovered we have a mutual dislike for roller coasters. I am not sure two people should laugh so much during a run. Probably looked like we weren't working very hard ;-)

Speaking of working hard, let's get to Way to Go Wednesday. I want to give myself a shout out, and use it as a super exciting announcement. Waaaayyy back in January (doesn't seem so far back though does it?) I signed up for the ISSA Personal Trainer Certification online course.

After spending pretty much every weekend and many evenings studying for the course, I finally took the exam on Saturday. Even better, I learned that evening that I had passed my exam! I finished a little earlier than expected, so I hadn't set up my CPR/AED training yet, so I'm not 100% certified until I take that course (hopefully next week).

But it feels so good to actually be stepping forward in my dreams and goals for a change. I've spent so much time holding myself back out of fear, worry, self-doubt. Now, I won't lie, I have passed the test, but does that mean I'm going to be a good personal trainer? Where do I begin? Now what? I won't be quitting my day job, so this will be a side venture. I have so much more left to figure out of course, but it's a step forward at least.

Here are some shout outs for the week; don't forget to share yours too!

Laura at Mommy Run Fast took 2nd place at a recent 5K.

Kierston at Candy Fit for completing the Spartan Super "in one piece."

Jolene at Determined to Be who just got married on Sunday!

Sarena at The Non-Dairy Queen because she needs a shout out/hug this week.


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