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Fun for Friday - Random Tidbits from Running to Packing

Well hello Friday, nice to see you again! It's been a long week around here. I let myself get stressed out and overly anxious. So much for the Slow Down Challenge huh?

But, I made myself regroup last night and tried to remember that it's ok if things are left undone. Do what you can, try to enjoy rather than worry. I mean honestly, who cares if the laundry isn't put away? It's at least washed, and so are the crazy dogs now as well.

I'm super excited this particular Friday. I mean, I love most all Fridays, but this one is going to be pretty darn amazing. This evening I finally get to meet my dear friend Lindsay (Cotter Crunch). Her hubby is doing the Rev3 Triathlon in Branson, MO on Sunday. But that's not where I live you're saying to yourself.

Oh, but Branson is only about 2 1/2 hours away and my dad and step-mother have a timeshare there. See where I'm going with this now? Yep, got us a timeshare and Lindsay and James are staying in one of the units. So after 2 1/2 or 3 years, we finally get to meet in person.

Part of the stress this week was about getting packed and what food to pack, trying to get the house clean, the dogs clean, work done for clients. Trying to figure out who's going to doggy sit - that ended up being another fiasco chaotic change of plans. I let stress get the best of me essentially and found myself cranky and crying. Not good. Time to change the old 'tude and focus on the good things right?

This Fun For Friday post is going to be totally random, kind of like what's been flitting around my head, but based on things from this week.

I love to travel, but I really hate packing. It's even worse when the weather is drastically different from what you're used to. The highs in Branson will be what my lows have been here - it was 76 degrees on my morning run today. Yes, that's our low. Their low? 47! Holy freeze my tush off.

I can't wait to meet Lindsay. She's been such an inspiration and an amazingly supportive friend for the past couple of years. It just doesn't seem fair to have bloggy friends live so far away (ahem Sarena, Jess, Jo).

I can really be too restrictive. That can be on many levels from my workouts to my food. Today it's most definitely about food. And not restricting intake mind you, but being super OCD about planning out the meals, knowing exactly what we'll be eating for dinner, where we'll get lunch, packing up my protein. In other words, not just letting go and rolling with it. Maybe a lot of that comes from being vegetarian and never knowing if a restaurant will have anything worth eating (you know, a pile of iceberg lettuce being called a salad).

I'm not ADD, but I can't sit still. Maybe it's because my legs are usually trying to be sore, but I just don't sit well. That doesn't bode well for travel or a desk job. I confiscated a box and have started putting that on my desk for a make-shift standing desk actually.

I have a hard time crying. I used to cry all the time. Like all.the.time. Now sometimes I want to cry, and I just can't. Weird?

I don't like rain, except for running. For example, riding in the rain on Wednesday made me a nervous wreck and I was questioning my sanity for being out there. I hate gray, dreary days. But when it comes to running in the rain? I get giddy. Jason was not so giddy as we set out in the rain this morning at 5:20. He muttered some words about being crazy, also told me I was "Pulling an Amy" (aka going too fast). But I was just happy feeling the rain on my skin, like a kid I suppose.

Ok, your turn. Totally random thought from the week. Do you like running in the rain? What about standing desks?


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