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Getting to Know Me

It's Friday and that means it's also Fun For Friday time. This week I took the easy way out in terms of inspiration and decided borrow a "getting to know you quiz" from Angela from Happy Fit Mama.

I think these posts can be fun and a great way to learn new tidbits about each other. Rather than tagging people, I'd love to hear your response to some (or even all) of the questions!

1. Describe your perfect day.

It would definitely start with a mind-clearing, morning run. Since we're talking about my ideal day, it would mean I was off work with nothing on tap (no chores, no schedule). Jason and I might do a picnic lunch and take the pupsters for a nice walk. I would sit out on the patio, enjoy the sunshine on my face and read until my eyes were heavy. Then Jason and I might put the umbrella up, and continue to sit outside and just talk, maybe a glass of white wine just because.

2. What can you do today that you weren’t capable of doing a year ago?

I can run 2 double-digit days in a week and I can run race-pace for those double-digit miles. Guess my race pace has changed.

3. If you had to teach something, what would you teach and why?

This one is tough, because I want to say teach someone how to live a healthier, fitter life. And I'm trying to do that now with Where's the Beach Fitness. BUT, I have a huge passion for writing and had one very very inspiring professor. So, part of me has always wanted to teach rhetoric at the college level.

4. What is your most beloved childhood memory?

This one is almost impossible to answer. I have so many fond memories. One I think that really stands out is lying on the bed next to my mom while she was very pregnant with my sister. I was feeling her tummy, feeling my sisters feet kick. I had wanted a sibling so very badly, so this does stand out.

5. Describe your life in a 6 word sentence. 

Not as planned, but I'm happy.

6. What is your favorite blog post written. Link to it so we can all read it!

I had a hard time deciding on this one and would rather hear what you guys have liked. But, I am playing along, so a more recent favorite is the one I did just the other day - Happy as I Want to Be.

7. Describe yourself in one sentence. 

I am fiercely loyal and empathetic to a fault.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now? 

Gosh, I have no idea. Life never seems to go as planned right? Hopefully I'm healthy and happy at the very least.

9. What are your 3 favorite simple pleasures? 

Wine, pizza, riding or running with my husband.

10. If you had to move 3000 miles away, what is the one thing you would miss the most? 

My family. Hands down.

11. When you have a random hour of free time, what are you usually doing?



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