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Feeling Jumpy Halloween Special - Workout Wednesday

I thought it would be fun to do a special Halloween workout. Things get a little spooky around Halloween and make you kind of jumpy. And so will this workout.

Have you already had a few handfuls of seasonal M&Ms? What about those cute little candy corns. If you've already indulged, or you plan to, give this "jumpy" interval workout a go ... if you dare (said in spooky voice of course).

Feeling Jumpy

Warm up for 10 minutes with a brisk walk and dynamic moves.

Complete as a pyramid where you'll move up the pyramid then back down. Begin with the first exercise for 15 seconds, then rest 15 seconds, move to the next exercise adding 5 seconds all the way to 40 seconds then begin moving back down.

Rest 1 minute then repeat once unless you're not spooked, then repeat twice.

1/2 turn squats right - 15 seconds
Low jacks - 20 seconds
Air jacks - 25 seconds
Squat jumps - 30 seconds
Lateral hops - 35 seconds
High knee jogs - 40 seconds
Speed skaters - 35 seconds
Scissor lunges - 30 seconds
Plie jacks - 25 seconds
Tuck jumps - 20 seconds
1/2 turn squats left - 15 seconds

*Disclaimer: Although I am an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, you should consult a physician before starting any exercise program or diet plan. If you choose to do any of the workouts featured on this website, you do so at your own risk.



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