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Running, Virtual Racing and Testing out Newton's

I was originally going to do this post as a Thursday Things and Thoughts, but, well...I didn't post yesterday. Instead it'll be a things from the week for Fun for Friday.

On Tuesday, I got in my 10-mile run for the Fall 5  or 10 Mile Virtual Race Series hosted by Laura at Mommy Run Fast. It was slower than my first run for the series, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I know I need to slow down my long runs a bit.

On Wednesday, I got in a good 6-mile run with Amy. As much as I love summer, I'm kind of over the 70 degree, humid morning runs. Yes, that's sweat not rain water. And notice how dark it still is? Yep, over that too.

Monday and again today, I ran part of my run in my new Newton's. Newton's shoe technology is vastly different from most shoes and is definitely ideal for my style of running, which is forefoot or for those looking to change their foot strike.
Lady Isaac - Source

I will say, you have got to ease into the shoes. They actually come with an info card about how to run in them. You can't just put them on and take off on a normal 6+ mile run. Monday I ran 3.5 miles then switched into my Mizuno's. This morning I did 1.6 miles and then switched shoes.

I'm loving them so far, but it'll take some time to get my feet re-strengthened enough to wear them for all runs. You should really check out their site and read up on the science behind the shoes.

While I love my Mizuno's, I do think that these new shoes might be far more suited to me, my feet, and how I run. Hopefully that all equates to fewer injuries.

Also new to me this week is a pair of compression socks from Compressport. While in Branson, I was talking to Lindsay about how I really wanted a pair of compression socks for my feet, to help with my plantar fasciitis problems. The deal is, I have a very small foot and most compression socks simply aren't small enough.
This fantastic lady mentioned this company and how fantastic their socks were. She said she loved hers and helped hook me up with a pair. Have I mentioned how much I love that girl? And she was right, of course. These felt amazing. I was a little nervous about trying out new running socks, but am so happy with these. I definitely see more pairs in my future.

Yesterday I got to take a client out to a park for a workout. It was a gorgeous evening to be outdoors. Usually I'm running around this area, so it's nice to be there and soak in the scenery for a change.

Since it's so incredibly dark in the mornings for so much longer, I'm missing out on sunrises during my runs. But, I am very thankful I have a nice view from my office to still be able to enjoy sunrises.

Have you tried Newton running shoes? What's your running style?


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