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Workout Wednesday - Cardio and Strength Tabata

It's been a while since I shared a workout, so I thought I'd do that today for Workout Wednesday. I created this workout for a client, one that we could take to the park. I wanted the workout be fairly high intensity and incorporate both cardio and resistance training to maximize time.

Tabata workouts are always amazing for revving up that heart rate and getting in a great fat-burning workout in a minimal amount of time. I've always used them for cardio workouts, but never for weight training.

I thought it would be "fun" to combine the two for a total body, Cardio and Strength Tabata workout. This workout alternates between a cardio grouping and a strength grouping done more as a circuit - do the exercise for 20 seconds then rest 10 seconds, go to the next exercise and do for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds. You do this for 4 sets followed by a 1-minute rest before moving to the next grouping or circuit.

In this case, an example would be do jumping jacks for 20 seconds, rest 10, do burpees for 20 seconds, rest 10, repeat 3 more times then rest 1 minute.

Begin with a 10-minute warm up walking on a treadmill or elliptical plus dynamic moves such as lunges with torso twist, butt kicks, high knees, and jumping jacks to warm up the body and loosen up the joints.

Do each exercise in the group 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest 4 times through followed by a 1 minute rest for a total of 5 minutes work for each grouping. Once you have completed the first group, move to the next. 

Cool down with 5 minutes of stretching.

Total workout time 50 minutes with warm up, workout, cool down.

  Jumping Jacks
  Burpees (with or without pushup)

  Box Squats
  Biceps Curls

  Double-Arm Rows

  Shoulder Press
  Double-Arm Overhead Triceps Extension

  Forward Bounding Hops
  Fast Cross-Body Jabs

Do you like tabata workouts? Do you like to combine cardio with resistance training?

*Disclaimer: Although I am an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, you should consult a physician before starting any exercise program or diet plan. If you choose to do any of the workouts featured on this website, you do so at your own risk.


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