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What I Eat - thinkThin Protein Bars Giveaway

What I Eat Wednesday - No, I don't have any new recipes to share, and I'm not sharing my eats for the day, but I do have a tasty giveaway to share.

While I try not to rely on protein bars and shakes for my protein intake and snacks, sometimes convenience has to win out. I'm one of those people who always keeps protein bars stashed in my purse and in my desk drawer at work. You don't want to be around me when I get hungry. And one way to tame hungry horrors is by getting an ideal balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. 

I try to be as selective as possible about packaged snacks. There are so many that are touted as healthy but are full of unnatural ingredients, mostly sugar and carbs and very little protein. Basically, glorified candy bars.

However, one protein bar that I do keep on hand is the thinkThin® high protein bar. And this is truly a bar that has high protein, not just touting high protein but only 6 or 10 grams. Nope, the high protein bars have 20 grams of protein. 

I appreciate their founding principles as well. Their bars include no refined sugar, are high in protein, and are gluten free. Even better, they have strict standards regarding non-GMO ingredients. 

Because I do eat thinkThin bars myself, I feel good about reviewing them. And, when a client asks me about a protein bar, I will suggest thinkThin high protein bars as an option. 

So, I decided to contact someone from thinkThin myself in hopes of doing a giveaway. Not only did they readily agree to letting me do a giveaway, they also sent me a box of bars to review for myself. 

Typically, I buy the peanut butter flavor (either the crunchy or the creamy). I'm kind of a peanut butter addict. But, since I had the chance to try something different, I opted for the White Chocolate High Protein Bar. I'll admit, I'm not a big chocolate fan. However, I do love white chocolate. 

What I like about this bar is that it's not overly sweet. It's just enough if you do have a sweet tooth, but not so much you feel like you've got to go to the dentist. Because of the protein, I find them to be satisfying as well. They make for great post-run snacks or midday meals.

My only disappointment is that it's just the outer layer that's the white chocolate flavor. The filling is chocolate. But, that being said, it's not over-kill and even I, a non-chocolate lover, enjoyed the bar very much. 

What's your go-to protein bar? 

Oh, the giveaway part you're looking for ... 1 lucky reader has the chance to win a box of thinkThin high protein bars of their choice. I will announce the winner on my birthday, November 21.

Please follow the rules accordingly:
  • Blog comment is mandatory. 
  • Creating multiple user accounts under a single IP address as a way to increase your odds is prohibited and entries will be removed. Let's play fair. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please note that I was sent a box for free to review. All opinions are, and will always be my own.


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