What a week ... I'm finally feeling semi-human again after being taken down by some sort of plague funk. I honestly don't think it was the flu as I felt something start to come on slowly mid-week last week. However, I did run a pretty high fever for 2 1/2 days. I became one with the couch and my warmest, fuzziest blanket.
I know all my posts this week have been about being sick and not working out when sick. But that's kind of all I've had to roll with this week. I promise this is the last of the sickies posts. It is Fun for Friday so let's do a funny post about being sick shall we?
You know you're really sick when ...
I know all my posts this week have been about being sick and not working out when sick. But that's kind of all I've had to roll with this week. I promise this is the last of the sickies posts. It is Fun for Friday so let's do a funny post about being sick shall we?
You know you're really sick when ...
- You quite literally blow through every box of tissues (and several rolls of toilet paper) in the house.
- You have to resort to Vaseline around your upper lip, nose and cheeks from blowing your nose so much.
- Your significant other starts drinking Airborne or Emergen-C like it's a life force.
- You have carefully positioned every pillow to fully support your neck, head and back so that you can easily see the tv and doze simultaneously.
- You have memorized the daytime tv schedules on your favorite channels.
- The dogs begin to think you are in fact part of the couch.
- You gladly resort to any weird concoction in hopes that it will cure what ails you. Nothing sounds ridiculous. I can't begin to explain how much apple cider vinegar I consumed.
- You have completely forgotten what it feels like to sleep lying flat. If it's nearing my chest, I have to sleep partially upright.
- You also have forgotten what it feels like to feel normal, so that when you can actually peel yourself away from the couch you assume you're all better when in fact you're only about 50%.
- You actually willingly wear your glasses all day because you keep falling asleep and falling asleep in contacts is never ideal (for me at least). I quickly realized exactly how old my glasses were.
- You get excited when you finally feel hungry enough to eat.
- You sleep more hours than you are awake.
- You actually are ok with going to the doctor. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Apparently I wasn't desperate enough, but I definitely contemplated the idea.
Those are just some of my "you know you're really sick when" items. How do you know when you're really sick?
Glad you are feeling better! Got a love Vaseline under the nose. Feels so good!