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8 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer or Running Coach

Why Should You Hire A Personal Trainer?

While you can go online and search for free exercise plans, nutrition plans, even running plans, they are generic and not personal to you and your specific needs. What weight rotation works for some, may not work for you. With nutrition, it's never a one-size-fits-all solution. And what running plan works for one person, may not help another one bit. 

If you're new to fitness or new to running, then generic plans may leave you more confused and frustrated or possibly even injured. Generic plans do have their place of course. I offer many free workouts. But they aren't geared towards someone's very specific goals or needs. They're great when you're in a rut with your own workout and offer something new and different, maybe even something challenging. But they aren't part of a well-planned workout rotation.

This is where having a personal trainer or running coach comes into play. As a certified personal trainer and running coach, I am trained to help my clients meet THEIR personal, specific goals based on their individual needs and differences. I get to know you and your needs, goals, even limitations and set up a well-structured, individualized plan. 

Here is how a personal trainer (or running coach) can benefit you:

1. Help Getting Started

Not sure how how many reps to do of an exercise or what order they should be in? What is a superset? How do I know when to add on more mileage to a run or do speed work? 

A personal trainer will help you navigate the ins and outs of resistance training, setting up workouts for you, and helping you with proper form and technique so that you get the most out of your workouts. 

A running coach will make sure that you don't increase your miles too rapidly, help you understand when and why to do certain types of speed work, and can help with proper form for more efficient running.

2. Individualized Plans

A personal trainer or running coach will set up a workout plan that is structured and that is specific to YOU and your individual needs, especially if you have any special circumstances like injury or illness.

Hold you accountable: Having a personal trainer or running coach will keep you accountable and also help you learn to stick to a plan. 

3. Help Setting Realistic Goals (and Achieving Them)

Do you have a goal weight in mind? Where did that number come from? Do you want to lift x amount for a bicep curl or run a mile at x pace? Why? A personal trainer and running coach will help you define your goals, make sure that they are realistic, and then help you achieve those goals. 

4. Motivation and Encouragement

It can be hard to find the motivation to hit the gym or head out for a run. But when you have your own personal cheerleader on your side, it can make things a lot easier.  

5. Providing a Challenge

You're hitting the weights or going out for a daily run, but are you just going through the motions? A trainer will provide you with an individualized plan that encourages you to challenge yourself. A proper plan will be challenging in order to help you grow, improve, and achieve your goals.

6. Monitoring of Progress 

A certified personal trainer or running coach will monitor your progress and make adjustments to your plans as needed to ensure success. 

7. Feedback  

Wondering why your weight isn't budging, but your body fat is dropping? Or maybe you're not able to run faster or lift heavier, why? A certified personal trainer can help you find those answers and provide useful feedback.

8. Learning Consistency

Have a plan but struggle to stick with it? Can't seem to find a consistent routine? A personal trainer or running coach can help you learn to prioritize your fitness and nutrition for a healthier lifestyle. A personal trainer can help you understand your own personal roadblocks and brainstorm ways to overcome them.

So, now you're thinking, "That's great Heather, but I can barely afford the inflated gym membership let alone a trainer." I started Where's the Beach Fitness in order to help people realize their fitness goals. And how can people do that if they can't afford a trainer? 

This is why I offer Online plan options (as well as in-person training sessions if you're local to Little Rock). This means you can get the benefits of a trainer or running coach, without the high cost of in-person sessions. You still get a completely customized plan that includes workouts, nutrition suggestions, feedback, progress tracking, motivation and encouragement, and support but at a fraction of the cost. 

Have you ever hired a personal trainer or running coach or used an online trainer? Do you like to try out free workouts? 


  1. I have found that this site is very informative, interesting and very well written. keep up the nice high quality writing. Where to Hire a Personal Trainer


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