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Eating, Running and Enjoying a Simple Weekend

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine started off nicely as I was off work on Friday. It turned out to be a weekend of eating, shopping, running and a lot of enjoying. Friday morning I got in a run then got my hair done before heading to my hometown.

I met my dad for lunch at a tasty place called Taco Mama's. The owners also have another restaurant that I really enjoy called Cafe 1217. I've been hearing great things about Taco Mama's, but have yet to try it out. I'm glad I did. I ordered their salad bowl with vegetarian filling. I'm usually leery of "vegetarian" fillings. But I was pleasantly surprised. The salad was not iceberg lettuce, a big bonus. It was filled with leafy greens, beans, rice, and a wonderful mix of zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes.

Dad and I spent about 2 hours eating and visiting before I left to meet up with my mom. Mom and I went and did a little bit of shopping at Home Goods and TJ Maxx before I had to head back home.

We met up with some friends for a short happy hour at a place on the river. They have a huge deck and the weather is finally cooperating and feeling more like spring. So, we took advantage of that. Though, it was fairly breezy so it got a little chilly just because we were on the water. But the sunshine was heavenly.

Saturday morning Jason and I headed out for a run. I had planned to at least try for 7 miles depending on how my foot was feeling. Jason dropped off around 4.5 miles and I continued on. My foot was actually feeling really good, so I ended up with 10 miles. I kept them slower, and I think that really helped.

During my run, I had the cutest experience. A week or so ago Jason and I were running and this little girl (maybe 5 years old) was outside with her mom. She spotted us and yells out, "You're running!" We waved and said hi to her and her mom and kept on trucking along.

Well, I saw her out across the street playing with another little girl. She excitedly exclaimed, "You're running!" I laughed and said, "Yes I am." She then called out, "Do you need some water?!" I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the run.

Jason and I had a late lunch and ran some errands before heading over to our friends' house to enjoy their back deck on another gorgeous afternoon.

Sunday I decided to head out for a run. It was already close to 70 degrees around 9:30. I am not quite prepared for warm-weather running. In my mind it sounds great. But my body says, "nope." I started off the first mile slowly, but then got into a good groove and decided to make it a tempo run. 5.5 miles later I was dripping, but happy.

Then it was time to get serious about yard work, which meant a trip to Home Depot. We got our garden planted, finally. We usually don't wait so late. But, I'm kind of glad we did since we have had recent freezes even this late in the season. Now to be patient and watch everything grow. 



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