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Stormy Weekend and Rocky Running

This weekend was fairly low-key for us. I struggled with a too-warm, too-humid long run on Saturday. I started the run solo and got in 4 miles before meeting up with Jason. I was already struggling with my pace. I couldn't seem to keep it under control. I know it sounds stupid to say, but I couldn't seem to slow myself down to where I needed to be. I was just running wildly.

Thankfully, Jason is much better at pacing so that helped. It also helped having some company to keep me out of my head. He dropped off after 4.5 miles and I finished out my run very much glad to be back at the house and done with 10.3 miles (those last .3 may as well have been another full mile in my mind).

I'm definitely going to have to slow down and really adjust to the humidity again. I felt pretty crummy for a few hours after the run. I haven't felt bad after a run in a very very long time. In fact, probably this time last year readjusting to the temps again.

We ended up going for lunch then making a few stops, like picking up some more plants for the garden. Mostly it was a lazy day.

Sunday we were woken up around 5-ish by Maddie barking then Heath knocking down the baby gates as a storm barreled in. He has a ThunderShirt, but it only does so much to ease his storm anxieties. A few weeks back he actually hurt his paw by clawing at the baby gate. So we try to not lock them in place if it's going to storm.

But, he made his way to our room and that was going to mean no sleep as he paced about. So I took him down, along with a pillow, and we piled up on the couch. I had to cover up with a towel as he was panting and drooling. Poor guy. And trust me, it's not easy to sleep on the couch with a dog drooling on you and heavy storms happening.

I finally drifted off to sleep around 7:30 or so as the storms subsided. I was able to sleep until close to 9. It was incredibly humid thanks to the stormy weather and gusting 25 mph winds. But I went ahead and headed out for a 6-mile run. Again, the humidity was zapping me. And once again, I was glad to have the run complete.

In between being lazy, I managed to get some house chores done and made up some veggie burgers to freeze. This is pretty much how the day felt as we waited for more storms to roll in.

Sadly, tornadoes did strike overnight. We were very fortunate in that they went just north of us. But 14 people died, homes were completely destroyed, lives changed forever. It's very sad to wake up to such news. 

And poor Heath bloodied his paw again sometime around 3 am when the last of the storms were going through. I hate that he has such anxiety. In the past we have tried a sedative. But it was so strong and left him wobbly and very out of sorts for 12 hours or more. But, we may have to go back to that route. 

Anyone else have a dog terrified of storms to the point of hurting themselves?

I was asked about information for donating to the tornado relief funds. I thought I would share a link if anyone is interested in making donations. Tornado Relief via KATV


  1. Glad to hear you are ok. So scary! Poor Heath! Our old dog Rudy was afraid of thunder. He would try to crawl under our bed. Not so easy when you are a 90 pound lab.


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