I had meant to do a Tasty Tuesday recipe today. But I was lazy over the weekend and didn't edit the photos. I was thinking about that on my morning run. I was thinking a lot actually. I'm certain that most runners tend to have a million and one thoughts flitting around during any given run. If you're like me, they come in spurts and rarely string together. SQUIRREL.
Just for fun, I thought I'd share some of the random, flitting thoughts from this morning.
Just for fun, I thought I'd share some of the random, flitting thoughts from this morning.
- How is it already 65 degrees, we didn't even make it to 65 degrees Thursday through Saturday.
- Thank goodness for the wind.
- Ok, that's enough wind.
- I think I'll stick to 6 miles today. Definitely no more than 7.
- It might be a really pretty sunrise. Maybe I should have headed north first.
- I can't believe how light it is already.
- Why are there so many people out driving around at this ungodly hour? Shouldn't they be sleeping?
- Only runners should be out this early.
- I hope there are cars coming at the next intersection.
- Ok, too many cars. Hurry it up already.
- I'm defiantly not running around the Arts Center today. High five to that.
- Crud, I'm going to miss the sunrise I think. Should have gone north first.
- Wait, gates, tents, what's going on.
- What do you mean I can't run through there, that's my route. That's MY route!
- Stupid Riverfest. Why are they setting up already, it's only Tuesday.
- Now I have to figure out another route. Which way can I go ... hmmm ...
- Oh look, other runners!
- Ok, why do they keep digging up the streets? That makes it so hard to run on.
- I would run on the sidewalk if they were remotely decent, and now the street is all torn up.
- Man I need the wind. I should have brought water.
- I hate carrying my water bottle.
- I need to do weights at lunch. Yep, weights at lunch for sure.
- What mile am I at. Man. I have to go around the Arts Center after all. Shoot.
- Oh look, I hit mile 7 really close to the Little Rock Marathon Mile 7 Marker. That's kind of cool.
- Guess I'll finish out to 8.
- Ready to be done.
- Hopefully I'll stop sweating.
- But first, let me take a selfie.
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