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Sometimes I ...

I want to say Happy Tuesday! But Tuesday always feels like a weird day of the week. It's better than Monday, but not quite Hump Day. It's almost the middle child of the week isn't it? Yes, technically Wednesday should be, but people get oddly happy about Wednesday.

I've not been feeling uber creative in the kitchen, so I don't have any recipes. My weekend was low-key so not tons to share unless I tell you that I ran (again), that I hate humidity (again), that I enjoyed pool time and reading (always a bonus though). I'd love to share some awesome training tips or words of motivation, or something inspiring. But I'm not feeling terribly inspiring.

I am feeling honest, however. I thought it might be a Tell it Like it Is kind of day. Sometimes getting things out of my head is helpful - maybe it'll open up some space for better creativity. So here we (I) go.

Sometimes I ...

Don't feel like lifting weights. I typically enjoy lifting. I love how lifting re-shapes your body. I love looking strong. But sometimes, it's just tiring to think about.

Hate cooking. There are days when I look forward to getting in the kitchen, then there are days when the mere thought makes me wish I had cereal on hand.

Feel incredibly lonely. I'm an introvert. I do it to myself. But there are times, sitting in groups, when I feel utterly alone, far more alone than when I really actually am alone.

Don't want to run with anyone. There are days when I just need to be outside on my own. My own pace, my own distance, my own thoughts.

Don't want to run alone. Sometimes the thought of stepping outside and hitting the pavement alone, makes me rather sad, almost dread the run, especially when I pass by other runners grouped together.

Just want to stay home all weekend. The reason? So I don't feel the need to do hair and makeup. If I leave the house, it can be some basic errands where I can wear running shorts, tank, hat. Or a super laid back restaurant where I don't feel out of place for not being dressed up.

Wish I was more focused. I tend to have tons of ideas (for workouts, blog posts, business plans) but I struggle buckling down and staying focused. Maybe some of it's self-doubt <--- sometimes I am honest with myself.

Am really lazy. Truly. I may not slack on workouts, but man I can sometimes slack on house work. I'm great at living out of the laundry basket.

What are your "sometimes?"


  1. Sometimes I want to be lazy and lay around and eat pizza; sometimes I want to read and not go to the grocery store or care if we even have anything to eat. Sometimes I just want a day off-ha! Thank you for the post and for "telling it like it is." It's nice to hear I'm not alone in the world!


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