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First 20-Mile Run

I know weekends typically go by way too quickly, but this weekend seemed to have gone by faster than usual. Jason was out of town, so it was a girl's weekend all the way around. It started off Friday evening meeting up with Tara from Running n' Reading.

We met up at Baja Grill for dinner and lots and lots of chatting! Pretty sure we could have sat there for most of the night just visiting. Tara is super sweet and I was so happy to finally be able to just sit down and visit with her. It felt like we had really known each other and were just catching up.

Because I had a 20-mile run planned the next day, I did have to get home and in bed at a very adult (old lady) time. Because of my super responsible behavior, I was up by just after 5 am. Amy was going to meet me at 6:30 to get in 13 miles, so I decided to go ahead and get in a few miles before she got to my house.

When I first set out, the temps were around 42 degrees and I had on shorts and long sleeves. I ended up weirdly hot almost immediately, so I changed into short sleeves before she arrived. The temps were really good for a long run. I never got over-heated (of course I did change), and was never too cold either.

Because there was a 5K downtown, we had to change our original route plans and ended up doing some of the same route we had done last week, but then meandering around ending up near the State Capital. It's a bit of a hilly area, but I know that I really do need to include hills in my long runs because of my marathon route. So all good, plus fun to just sight see and enjoy being outdoors.

Amy dropped off at 13.3 miles then I continued on to finish out my run. I was really glad I had done the 3 before meeting up with Amy because that meant I only had just shy of 4 left. Mentally, that was what I needed. I was feeling really good and finished out so much stronger than I ever expected. Now, if my marathon can just go that well ...

After the run I re-fueled, stretched, showered and then napped. Thankfully, I wasn't really sore at all other than my nagging heel pain. But I kept stretching it and moving it, so that helped. My sis came up and then we met my bestie for lunch. It was really a great afternoon. I hadn't seen Cris in a few weeks, so I was super happy that she was free and able to join us.

Later, Sarah had one of her best friends from high school come by with her friend. They had driven in from Texas and were staying in Hot Springs, but wanted to come up to Little Rock. Sarah swears she told me about the company, but I must have mis-heard or blocked it out. I felt a little bad because it really is hard to be a great hostess after a really long run. I was in yoga pants and a t-shirt, looking fairly bummy. And the house? Um, yeah. If I ever ever ever train for another marathon, I will do so when I can or am willing to pay for a house cleaner.

Either way, it did end up being a great evening. They didn't mind that my house wasn't spotless, and I suppose that's really how it should be right? I did realize, however, that while I don't feel like I'm about to be 40, I am certainly NOT 21 or even 31 for that matter ;-) Ouch.


  1. Yay for your first 20 miler!! It sounds wonderfully perfect. Your last sentence made me think of something that was written on a van window from Reach the Beach - 40 is the new stupid! Great job lady!!


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