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Another Long Run & Thanksgiving Recap

Happy Hump Day. Since it's already Wednesday, guess it'd be a good time to do a quick weekend recap, that included an accidental 19-mile run and a 3rd Thanksgiving meal.

Long Run

Saturday morning Amy agreed to run with me for what was a planned 18-mile run. I was going to head out and get in some miles before she arrived then run 10 together, then finish out solo.

I got in 5 miles exactly, then we set out on a meandering route around the neighborhood. The temperatures were suddenly back into the 60s with high humidity and even higher winds. Thankfully it was cloudy. The positives were that we were most certainly not freezing and the wind did help dry us off.

Amy had said 10 miles, but then decided she could do another mile with me. We made another loop before getting back to my house. Her watch said 11 miles on the dot, mine was behind showing 15.85 miles. For some reason, I got it stuck in my head that I was at mile 15 and needed 3 more - even said that out loud a few times.

After refilling my water bottle, taking a handful of Honey Stinger chews and sipping on some electrolytes, I begrudgingly set off to finish 3 more miles. I say that because by this point I was starting to get really achy, I was terribly warm, sweaty, downright grumpy. But, I did it, finished out those 3 miles, then realized I was actually at 19. Doh.

My heel was bothering me far worse than it had been in a while and my legs were achy basically from the waist down. I decided to attempt an "ice" bath. We have an old, iron claw foot tub so simply running cold water is really all you need to make it feel icy! Let's just say I only managed to stay in the water maybe a minute, maybe. Brrrrrr.

The rest of the day was spent running errands and prepping for our 3rd Thanksgiving meal that we were hosting for my mom, her husband, my sister and her boyfriend.


Being vegetarian, I obviously wasn't making a turkey, but Jason did. He found one deeply discounted (thank you day-after Thanksgiving sales) that he found a brine for and all of that fun jazz. I focussed on the veggies and sides: roasted broccoli & sundried tomatoes, roasted brussels sprouts that were tossed with strawberry jam & mustard, coconut maple glazed carrots, wild mushroom risotto, and homemade rolls. I did make a lentil loaf for myself to enjoy.

Anyone else spread Thanksgiving meals out across several days? And please tell me I'm not the only one to accidentally run too many miles!

Also - I've extended Where's the Beach Fitness Cyber Monday to Cyber WEEK. Give yourself the gift of fit!


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