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T'was the Eve Before My Last Long Run

Happy Friday!

So, a bit of rambling today. I have to admit that it feels weird not blogging as much or as consistently. I know this means fewer interactions with my blogging friends. That's probably what I'm missing the most with blogging less. And while I don't feel the pull to blog as frequently as I once did, I still want a place to share thoughts, share recipes or workouts and to converge with others over similar life happenings whether it be weight lifting or marathon training or just enjoying the heck out of time with family and friends.

I never thought I would run a full marathon. So, of course, I never thought I'd be blogging about my training. Blathering away about long runs, hitting the wall, feeling great or feeling pukey. I never thought I would feel so much gratitude towards someone helping me make it through all of this either.

Tomorrow marks my last truly long run - 20 miles (more only if I am feeling up to it). Then I begin my taper period. I'm both looking forward to it and sort of dreading it. Yeah, I am pretty sure at the onset of this crazy marathon journey I declared that I would embrace and enjoy taper. We can forget those words right?

Over the course of this journey, I have hit 14 miles three times now, I have hit pretty much hit every mile from 14 up to 20 actually (duh right, but I mean a 15 miler, 17 miler ... over explaining).

First 16-miler - super proud of myself but couldn't fathom any farther
First 18 miler - solo and it was kind of rough

First 20-miler - thank goodness for this lady

And along the way, I found new running friends as well. Oh, and scenery. I've taken historical routes, boring routes, out and backs, routes along the river. It's been sunny, it's been cloudy, windy, rainy, warm, cold ...

I feel like I've run through 4 seasons in just a few months too with our weather being up and down and all over the place, including a random snow morning. I've learned to take naps and drink lots of very large protein shakes (usually shakes then nap).

The surprising part to me is that I have enjoyed this journey more than I believed I would. I've heard about people dreading the long runs, dreading so many miles, or simply just getting very tired of it all.

Maybe because I had already been doing so many miles before, maybe it's been having a supportive running partner, but it's not felt like training so much as growing. Does that even make sense? I thought I might feel burnt out from running, and I really don't. I think that's where I'm going to dread the taper. My body, however, will be ecstatic of course.

Has training for something ever surprised you? Did you find that you enjoyed or maybe didn't enjoy the journey like you thought? Any taper advice?


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