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10 Non-Fitness Things About Me

If you read my blog with any regularity, you know that I tend to write a lot about running, some about lifting, cycling/cross-training, as of late, a good deal about recovering from injuries, with a smattering of recipes and life along the way.

Yesterday, I read a fun post from Jess at The Blonde Ponytail - 10 Non-Fitness Things About Me. After reading it, I thought it'd be a fun post to do for Fun for Friday. I always enjoy reading posts that give more insight to the blogger behind the blog. I think it's fun, it's personal. Perfect for the end of the week.

1. I love to read. 
I typically read for an hour each night before bed. It helps me relax and fall asleep. I can go through 4-6 books in any given month.

2. I hoard hardback books. 
So, to go with the reading thing, I feel like I must own the hardback. I think it goes back to working at Waldendbooks through college. And if I'm reading that many books and own them, you can imagine the issues with that one. Jason has sort of forced me into the kindle world and I'm stilling kicking and screaming over it.

3. I'm an introvert.
Through and through this is me. Now, one-on-one I'm good, even very small groups of people I know. But anything more than that and it really puts me on edge. I can't wait to get home after work to decompress, alone, in silence. It's how I re-charge.

4. I hate doing my makeup.
This is funny for me because I used to be the girl who never walked out of the house without a shirt tucked in. Now I can't wait for the weekend and at least have one day of not messing around with makeup, even if I leave the house, I'm so dressed down that it's appropriate to go without make up.

5. I love shoes.
Seriously, most girls do right? I mean, you typically don't outgrow them in any capacity. They can absolutely make an outfit. There's just something about shoes that makes me happy. I have to stay far away from stores like DSW.

6. I love to shop.
I wish someone would just pay me to shop basically. And part of it is the bargain hunter in me. So it's not just going and buying, it's searching for a good deal too. Even if I come out empty-handed, I still have enjoyed the hunt.

7. I love pizza.
Seriously one of my favorite foods that I could eat every day of the week if I let myself. I try to justify it only after long runs and that it's usually loaded with veggies. But, I know, it's still a pizza! And, I'm absolutely ok with it too.

8. I'm a Food Network and HGTV addict.
If I have the tv on, it's one of those channels (or Cooking Channel or DIY since they're basically the same). I will watch the shows even if I've seen them 10 times, but I would never sit and re-watch a regular sitcom that way.

9. I am not a movie watcher.
I can't recall the last time I went to a movie theater. I am a little better renting because it's home and comfortable and I can easily get up and mill around. And I could watch half of a movie and basically get up and walk away and absolutely not care if I don't see the end.

10. I hate geese. 
We had one as a child (at my grandparents' house) that was flat out evil. It would chase me or my sister wings spread, head down, hissing and honking. And it didn't stop there. If you've never been bitten by one, count yourself lucky because it hurts and they don't want to let go.

What are some non-fitness related things about you?


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