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Re-Commit to Your Goals

I suppose my promises of more consistent posts, new recipes and workouts fell through. Looking back, it wasn't really that it fell through, I simply wasn't making the blog my priority. My focus shifted, and that's ok. It's important to readjust goals, priorities, expectations from time-to-time rather than just trudging along doing something just for the sake of doing it.

But it wasn't just losing focus on the blog, it was losing focus on many things. I said that I wanted to step back so that I could spend more time actually living, enjoying life. But I didn't really even do that. Don't get me wrong, I've been making it a point to enjoy the little things. To focus on being more present, trying to not always be thinking ahead.

However, I'm a thinker. I think. A lot.

My mind is always going with new ideas. New business ideas. New workouts to try, new recipes to taste, new blog posts and informative articles to write. New ways to promote Where's the Beach Fitness. And the list goes on and on and on ...

So with all these ideas, why the lack of follow through?

I allow myself to get completely overwhelmed.

Then I allow negative thoughts to take over and I simply talk myself out of whatever the idea was. I think the key word is "overwhelmed."

It's easy to think too far ahead, to eye the big picture rather than take everything in bits and pieces. I tell clients to make mini-goals, but I don't do this for myself quite often. But that doesn't mean I've completely failed. It simply means it's time to re-commit to my goals, my current goals.

I think it's so easy to allow ourselves to get so overwhelmed that we basically freeze up. Throw up our hands and declare something impossible. But I'm seeing that it's not impossible. It's a cop out really. But if you want something, if it's truly worth having, then you'll work for it. You'll find a way to make it happen. And that may mean a little goal changing and re-committing. And that's perfectly ok.

So let's start going for the things we want shall we? Who's ready to re-commit to something today?


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