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Reintroducing Myself

We'll begin with the basics. I'm Heather. I started this blog in 2009 with the intent of sharing my love of exercise and healthy eating (and a little bit of personal stuff of course). I blogged, and blogged and blogged my heart out. Every.Single.Day.

I forgot how to sit down to eat without a) typing it up in the blog and b) photographing it. We didn't have hot meals for quite some time I might add. I was doing it all wrong of course. But, at the time, I loved it. I loved sharing my ideas for healthy, tasty, vegetarian foods.

Blogging also gave me an outlet to share my passion for exercise - lifting weights, HIIT workouts, running, even following along to DVDs at home. It was probably one of the boosts I needed to finally pursue my quiet goal of becoming a certified personal trainer.

My blogging style began to shift. My focus was shifting. My desire was shifting. The less I blogged, the more time I had. The more I felt I could breathe. I wasn't comparing my food to others, my photography skills (or lack thereof) or even my personal training side business to others.

My day job happens to be in social media. So when you're living it and breathing it for your job then coming home to it all evening, it's tiresome. Don't get me wrong, I missed the interactions, most of them. But I didn't miss feeling like I was competing in the influencer realm. I didn't miss feeling like I had to put out content and great content at that.

So, I stopped completely. I thought I'd finish up a recap of my 2nd marathon. I didn't. I just quit. And it was like letting out a huge sigh of relief. I stepped away. So why this post you ask? I've missed the creativity that blogging did provide. I miss some of the interactions. I made some true, lifelong friends through blogging. So there is friendship to be made and had. Experiences to share.

Where's the Beach is still a relevant title for me. It's just changed perspective some. It's not just about working out and being fit so you look amazing at the beach. It's finding my happy place in the day-to-day living. I'm coming back to blogging for me, to get my ideas out. But you never know who you might touch, inspire in the process ... or who might inspire me.


  1. So glad you're back! I remember reading your blog for many years and I ALWAYS enjoyed reading your day in the life recaps. I look forward to following along as you continue on your journey to finding your happy place! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate hearing that you enjoyed the old blog and are back with me!

  2. Heather, always enjoyed reading about your passion for good health and fitness. Your quest to always create new personal bests were inspiring. Wishing you the best with your return to blogging and I hope your reward will be continued self improvement and inspiration to others. Best, Tony

  3. welcome back!! I have missed this daily read.

  4. Do what makes sense to you, resonates in your inner knowing. My blog zestoflittlerock is kaput.

    1. I think it'll be good to just get back to writing for me again. I must say, I did enjoy your voice in your blog.


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