If you read my blog with any regularity, you know that I tend to write a lot about running, some about lifting, cycling/cross-training, as of late, a good deal about recovering from injuries, with a smattering of recipes and life along the way. Yesterday, I read a fun post from Jess at The Blonde Ponytail - 10 Non-Fitness Things About Me . After reading it, I thought it'd be a fun post to do for Fun for Friday . I always enjoy reading posts that give more insight to the blogger behind the blog. I think it's fun, it's personal. Perfect for the end of the week. 1. I love to read. I typically read for an hour each night before bed. It helps me relax and fall asleep. I can go through 4-6 books in any given month. 2. I hoard hardback books. So, to go with the reading thing, I feel like I must own the hardback. I think it goes back to working at Waldendbooks through college. And if I'm reading that many books and own them, you can imagine the issues with that on...
Finding my happy place in the day-to-day.