Bis & Tris Today I had a doctor's appointment at 1. I plan on talking about it tomorrow, but for today, I'll just stick to my regular posts. The appointment took far longer than I thought it would take, it was a good thing I had already told my boss that I probably wouldn't be back to work that afternoon. I really needed to sort of decompress after the appointment, so I went straight to the gym to get in a pump session. Today's workout started off with my typical elliptical warmup. It did not take long to warm up either. It was 80 degrees today and the building did not have the A/C on. To say sweatfest is an understatement. I went with biceps and triceps then tacked on a high rep superset at the end (totally optional) Pin It * I for the swing lunges with curls, I did 4 lunges to each side rather than 8. I the idea from Kristin at Stuftmama - check out her videos for examples of how to do the moves. Kitchen Time After the gym, I was going to go home and st...
Finding my happy place in the day-to-day.