My original post for today was going to be about dreams - not your hopes and wishes kind either. But as I was out on my first solo, dark-thirty run since the time change, my mind was wandering around as is typical. I started thinking about all of the pros and cons of running solo vs with a partner. When I came upon the Clinton Bridge, I realized I didn't have anyone to marvel at the lights with. But at the same time, no one would be miffed at me for stopping too long to take a picture. I know I've mentioned it before, but when I first started running about 6 years ago, I only ran with Jason. I finally weened myself and then only ran solo. Then I met Amy about a year and a half ago (a little longer than that) and we ended up running 2-3 days a week at first. But as I got faster, we ended up running most of our runs together - or some day it'd be 4-6 miles together then a few solo. Unfortunately, my reliable running partner doesn't live
Finding my happy place in the day-to-day.