I wish I had some fantastic blog birthday giveaway to share. I don't. I truly just wanted to thank everyone who continues to read my blog. Four years ago I started this blog with no real clue as to where it would lead me. I had hoped to make extra money. That never happened. That's not to say the blog hasn't made me rich in other areas. I've made some incredible friendships here. I've been incredibly inspired by so many amazing bloggers. I feel like my life has definitely been enriched. There were times when I wanted to quit the blog. It's time-consuming. I don't always feel inspired to write. I've definitely been slacking with recipes. I don't even always share my workouts any longer. I may be blogging a little less frequently, that's not a bad thing is it, but I cherish the comments I receive. You guys make me smile with your support, encouragement, and just general conversation. If you had asked me where I would be in four years whe...
Finding my happy place in the day-to-day.